EDAD 609
Leadership for Educational Equity and Access
This course prepares leaders to focus on diversity in our public schools by (1) developing an historical, cultural, and legal understanding and perspective on issues of diversity, (2) recognizing the many demographic and sociological characteristics of diversity and understanding their implications for teaching and learning, and (3) identifying leadership responsibilities for the development of successful instructional programs for all students, including those with identified special needs and those who experience uneven success in school. 3 hours lecture.
EDAD 610
Communication Skills for School Administrators
Interpersonal communication is practiced, stressing the role of educational leader to improve knowledge and skills applicable to face-to-face communication; one's own unique style of communication; group and organizational factors which affect that communication. 3 hours seminar.
EDAD 611
Supervision and Staff Development for School Improvement
The philosophy, role, and techniques of supervision and staff development in the instructional program of elementary and secondary schools. 3 hours seminar.
EDAD 612
School Leadership
Role expectations of the principal from several reference groups are explored. Included are program development, staff and curriculum development and supervision, community relationships and responsibilities, legal aspects, budget and finance, vocational and adult education. Opportunities for students to test their administrative decision making in simulated situations are provided. 3 hours seminar.
EDAD 613
Management of Funds and Facilities
Practical aspects of school support and revenue; California school apportionment system; financial problems of schools and capital outlay. 3 hours seminar.
EDAD 614
The Law and Education
An examination of the effect of school law upon public school personnel. Special emphasis will be given to the areas of liability, contracts, tenure, and pupil-parent-teacher rights. 3 hours seminar.
EDAD 615
Field-Based Accountability: Managing for Learning
This field-based course provides candidates in school leadership a practical and conceptual understanding of educational accountability in regional schools. Candidates engage with current work in school and district efforts to become more accountable to democratic principles, local community priorities, and state and federal student achievement mandates. In addition to analyzing and understanding efforts to increase accountability, candidates propose improvements to an existing field-based accountability system. Problems of high stakes, ethics, equity, adequacy, intended and unintended consequences are related to school improvement and successful school leadership for democracy. 3 hours seminar. Credit/no credit grading.
Administrative Field Experience: Induction (Professional Credential)
Prerequisites: A preliminary Administrative Services Credential and employment in a position requiring this credential; faculty permission.
Guidance in self-assessment, development of a professional growth plan and other induction activities such as goal setting, development of a professional portfolio, and participation in group seminars. This course requires the designation of a local educational mentor who has successful school district administrative experience and an administrative credential. 9 hours supervision. Credit/no credit grading.
Administrative Field Experience: Assessment (Professional Credential)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of EDAD 625A; faculty permission.
Summative assessment and evaluation of field experience including progress review of the candidate's professional growth plan and portfolio in consultation with the candidate's University advisor and local educational mentor. 9 hours supervision. Credit/no credit grading.