University Policies
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California State University, Chico wants you to be aware of the following policies and issues, which affect you and the quality of life in our community. Please take the time to read and consider carefully the full implication and intent of these policies. You are expected to abide by them and contribute to your own well-being and that of this University by careful attention to them.
California State University, Chico has a moral responsibility to maintain an environment that is nurturing, encourages intellectual growth, and fosters mutual respect among cultures and individuals resident on our campus.
Any CSU, Chico student or applicant for admission to CSU, Chico has the right to be free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Executive Order 1045 outlines the process for inquiries and investigation and for filing of complaints. EO 1045 can be found at Students/applicants with concerns or complaints should contact Student Judicial Affairs, Kendall Hall, Room 118.
Information on complaint and/or grievance procedures regarding the nondiscrimination policy and affirmative action policy or law is available from the office of Student Judicial Affairs, KNDL 118, 530-898-6897 or the Director of Equal Opportunity and Dispute Resolution, KNDL 222D, 530-898-6771.
Policy on Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action in Employment and Education
California State University, Chico establishes this policy in recognition of its educational mission, its social concerns, its responsibility for the personal development of individuals, and its concern for the rights of individuals.
CSU, Chico will comply with federal and state regulations relating to affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations. The University will provide equal opportunity in education and employment for all qualified persons; prohibit illegal discrimination based on age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, Identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital or veteran status, pregnancy, medical condition and disability; and promote the full realization of equal education and employment opportunities through a positive and continuing program of affirmative action for the University as a whole and for each constituent unit.
This policy governs all University educational and employment practices and procedures including, but not limited to, recruitment, employment, enrollment, rate of pay or other compensation, advancement, reclassification, promotion, financial aid, demotion, renewal, non-renewal, termination, dismissal, transfer, layoff, leave, training, employee benefits, grading and program access.
It will be a violation of this policy to dismiss, discharge, expel, penalize, discipline, harass, adversely alter academic grades or otherwise discriminate or retaliate against any student, faculty, or staff member because he/she has opposed any discriminatory practice, filed an internal or external complaint of discrimination, or testified or assisted in any proceeding in accordance with this policy.
Responsibility and authority for the dissemination and implementation of this policy lies ultimately with the president of the University with the support of University administrators, faculty, and staff, and with assistance from the Chief Diversity Officer. Practically, the responsibility and authority to act affirmatively to provide equality of opportunity in education and employment lies with all who are in decision-making positions within the University. The University will commit appropriate resources and create a supportive atmosphere for the implementation of this policy.
Nondiscrimination Policy Regarding Individuals with Disabilities
California State University, Chico is committed to the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all educational and operational aspects of campus life. In accordance with Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, CSU, Chico adopts this policy of nondiscrimination to ensure that any person with a disability will not, on the basis of that disability, be denied access to or enjoyment of any program, service, or opportunity provided by the campus. (Reference: EM 07-09 for the full text.)
Employees: Through its administrative representatives, CSU, Chico will recruit, hire, train, advance, and promote individuals in all job classifications without regard to physical or psychological disability.
Academic Programs: As an institution of higher education, the University will provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities in campus-sponsored academic programs, activities, and services unless such provision would impose an undue hardship on the University as described by law or cause a fundamental alteration of the course, program, activity, or service.
General Public: At University-sponsored events, CSU, Chico will provide reasonable accommodations to members of the general public with disabilities unless doing so would create an undue hardship as described by law or cause a fundamental alteration of the program, activity, or service.
Policy Implementation: The authority and responsibility for assuring compliance with this policy rests with the University President. General oversight has been delegated to the Director of the Accessibility Resource Center, which is responsible for providing information and services and for monitoring campus compliance relating to disability issues. Questions or concerns regarding this policy or accommodations for faculty, staff and students may be referred to the Director of Employment Practices/Dispute Resolution. Detailed information and assistance regarding accommodations for students may be obtained from the Accessibility Resource Center. Information regarding accommodations for public individuals may be obtained from the Public Events Office.
It will be a violation of this policy to dismiss, discharge, expel, penalize, discipline, harass, adversely alter academic grades, or otherwise discriminate against any student, faculty, or staff member because he/she has opposed any discriminatory practice, filed an internal or external complaint of discrimination, or testified or assisted in any proceeding in accordance with this policy.
Faculty and Student Relations
Faculty and students are strongly discouraged from entering into consenting romantic or sexual relationships while the faculty member is in a position of evaluation or supervision of the student or in the likelihood that such an academic connection will exist in the foreseeable future. No faculty member, teaching assistant, research assistant, department chair, dean, or other administrative officer should vote, make recommendations, or in any other way participate in the decision of any matter which may directly affect the academic status, evaluation, employment, or promotion of a student with whom he or she has or has had a sexual or romantic relationship.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (Title IX)
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and certain other federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in educational institutions receiving federal funds. Title IX forbids sex discrimination in all university student services and academic programs. Title IX also forbids discrimination because of gender in employment and recruitment consideration or selection, whether full time or part time under any educational program or activity operated by an institution receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. Areas covered under Title IX include, but are not limited to admissions, financial aid, employment, health services, counseling, recruitment consideration/selection, athletics, housing, and grading.
California State University, Chico will not tolerate any kind of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, or violence toward students, faculty, staff or other members of the university community.
Sexual Harassment, as defined in California Education Code §212.5, consists of both non-sexual conduct based on sex or sex-stereotyping and conduct that is sexual in nature, and includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
- Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the Student is explicitly or implicitly used as the basis for any decision affecting the Student's academic status or progress, or access to benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the University; or
- The conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that its effect, whether or not intended, could be considered by a reasonable person in the shoes of the Student, and is in fact considered by the Student, as limiting the Student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or opportunities offered by the University.
Sexual Violence is a form of Sexual Harassment. Sexual Violence means physical sexual acts (such as unwelcome sexual touching, sexual assault, sexual battery and rape) perpetrated against a Student without consent or against a Student who is incapable of giving consent due to Age, Disability, or use of drugs or alcohol.
Assistance filing a report of harassment or violence: Students who believe they have been harassed should seek information and/or assistance through the Director of Student Judicial Affairs, located in Kendall Hall room 118, or by phone at (530) 898-6897. The Director for Student Judicial Affairs will report cases of alleged sexual harassment/violence to the Title IX coordinator. The CSU policy for handling discrimination, harassment, and retaliation complaints, pursuant to Executive Order 1074.
Violence and Threats of Violence Prohibited
The University has zero tolerance for and prohibits violence or threats of violence against any member of the University community.
Violent acts or threats of violence by any University employee or student are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment, expulsion from the University, and civil or criminal prosecution, as appropriate. Disciplinary action shall be conducted in accordance with appropriate University policies (see EM 02-116 for detailed information on this policy and the Campus Violence Prevention Program).
It is the responsibility of every administrator, faculty member, staff member, and student to take any threatening behavior or violent act seriously and report it directly to the University Police. When confronted by an imminent or actual incident of violence, or a threat of possible violence, on campus, call 9-1-1. When appropriate, the Chief of Police shall convene the Campus Violence Consultation Team.
California Whistleblower Protection Act
Employees and applicants for employment alleging retaliation for having made a protected disclosure under the California Whistleblower Protection Act may contact Human Resources at (530) 898-6771.
Access and Academic Rights and Development
California State University, Chico is committed to achieving improved access to the educationally or economically disadvantaged and to provide academic development opportunities as an integral component of its mission.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Students' rights and responsibilities are discussed in the Speech and Advocacy Guidelines and the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, which delineate standards and policies of mutual respect and behavior.
Inappropriate conduct by students or applicants for admission is subject to discipline as provided in sections 41301 through 41304 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. A complete reading of these sections can be found under CSU System Policies and Regulations in the University Catalog. In addition, the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities describes informal and formal opportunities for due process in the case of student discipline. (Reference: EM 08-040 and EO 1073.) For these documents and more information, call Student Judicial Affairs, Kendall Hall, room 118, (530) 898-6897.
Academic Honesty
Chico State faculty expect students to maintain a high standard of academic integrity. If you are unclear about a specific situation, ask your instructors. They will explain what is and is not acceptable in their classes.
If a student is thought to be cheating and charges are brought, the process can result in severe consequences, ranging from failure in an individual course to long-term suspension from the University and denial of a degree.
Academic dishonesty, generally, is taking credit for work which is not your own, or attempting to receive credit or improve a grade through fraudulent or deceptive means. Examples include taking information from or providing information to another student, plagiarism, or altering a grade or record.
Consult the Policy on Academic Integrity, which is found in Executive Memorandum 04-036 for complete definitions, which is available on the Student Judicial Affairs website. Copies of theCode of Student Rights and Responsibilities and answers to questions about academic honesty may be obtained in the office of Student Judicial Affairs.
Student Grievance Procedures -
Complaints Against Faculty, Staff, or Student
Students who believe they are victims of unfair policies or practices at California State University, Chico can bring their concerns to the office of Student Judicial Affairs. The office is available to provide students the opportunity to resolve problems arising from actions taken on behalf of California State University, Chico in a fair, uniform, and orderly manner. Most student complaints can be resolved on an informal basis by the office. Should the situation be unresolvable through informal means, the student may invoke formal grievance proceedings. Formal Student Grievance Procedures are provided in EM 05-10. You may get a copy of this memorandum from the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.
Complaints Against the Institution
The California State University takes very seriously complaints and concerns regarding the institution. If you have a complaint regarding the CSU, Chico campus, you may present your complaint as follows:
- If your complaint concerns CSU, Chico’s compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards, you may present your complaint to the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) at WASC is the agency that accredits the CSU's academic program.
- If your complaint concerns an alleged violation by CSU, Chico of a state law, including laws prohibiting fraud and false advertising, you may present your claim to the university or designee at Student Judicial Affairs. The designee will provide guidance on the appropriate campus process for addressing your particular issue.
If you believe that your complaint warrants further attention after you have exhausted all the steps outlined by the president or designee, or by WASC, you may file an appeal with the Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs at the CSU Chancellor's Office. This procedure should not be construed to limit any right that you may have to take civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaint.
Privacy Rights of Students In Education Records
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and regulations adopted thereunder (34 C.F.R. 99) set out requirements designed to protect students’ privacy in their records maintained by the campus. The statute and regulations govern access to certain student records maintained by the campus and the release of such records. The law provides that the campus must give students access to most records directly related to the student, and must also provide opportunity for a hearing to challenge the records if the student claims they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate. The right to a hearing under this law does not include any right to challenge the appropriateness of a grade determined by the instructor. The law generally requires the institution to receive a student’s written consent before releasing personally identifiable data about the student. The institution has adopted a set of policies and procedures governing implementation of the statute and the regulations.
Copies of these policies and procedures may be obtained at the Office of the Registrar, SSC 110, California State University, Chico, Chico, California 95929. Among the types of information included in the campus statement of policies and procedures are: (1) the types of student records maintained and the information they contain; (2) the official responsible for maintaining each type of record; (3) the location of access lists indicating persons requesting or receiving information from the record; (4) policies for reviewing and expunging records; (5) student access rights to their records; (6) the procedures for challenging the content of student records; (7) the cost to be charged for reproducing copies of records; and (8) the right of the student to file a complaint with the Department of Education. The Department of Education has established an office and review board to investigate complaints and adjudicate violations. The designated office is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.
The campus is authorized under the Act to release "directory information" concerning students. "Directory information" may include the student’s name, address, telephone listing, electronic mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status, degrees, honors, and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. The above-designated information is subject to release by the campus at any time unless the campus has received prior written objection from the student specifying what information the student requests not be released. Written objections for current students should be submitted through the student's Student Center account. Students not currently enrolled should send written objections to the Office of the Registrar, California State University, Chico, Chico, California 95929.
The campus is authorized to provide access to student records to campus officials and employees who have legitimate educational interests in such access. These persons have responsibilities in the campus’s academic, administrative or service functions and have reason for accessing student records associated with their campus or other related academic responsibilities. Student records may also be disclosed to other persons or organizations under certain conditions (e.g., as part of the accreditation or program evaluation; in response to a court order or subpoena; in connection with financial aid; or to other institutions to which the student is transferring).
Student Persistence Information
CSU, Chico is among the highest student persistence and graduation rates in the CSU system. Specific information on persistence and graduation rates is available from the Office of Institutional Research, 530-898-5623.
Health Insurance for Students
The University recommends that you have adequate health insurance to cover the cost of medical care in Chico which is beyond the scope of the Student Health Service. If you are not covered under a health insurance plan which provides coverage in Chico (the nearest Kaiser facility is 100 miles away), we recommend purchasing the low-cost accident and health insurance plan through the Student Health, which is designed specifically for CSU, Chico students.
Immunization Requirement
The California State University requires all new students born after January 1, 1957 to present proof of measles and rubella immunizations in order to register for classes. You are required to file a Student Immunization Certification form, which summarizes your immunization record or permits you to request an exemption on specific grounds. This form is available from Student Records and Registration in the Office of the Registrar, SSC 110, and, once completed, should be returned there.
Military Selective Service Requirement
The federal Military Selective Service Act (the "Act") requires most males residing in the United States to present themselves for registration with the Selective Service System within thirty days of their eighteenth birthday. Most males between the ages of 18 and 25 must be registered. Males born after December 31, 1959 may be required to submit a statement of compliance with the Act and regulations in order to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance under specified provisions of existing federal law. In California, students subject to the Act who fail to register are also ineligible to receive any need-based student grants funded by the state or a public postsecondary institution.
Selective Service registration forms are available at any U.S. Post Office, and many high schools have a staff member or teacher appointed as a Selective Service Registrar. Applicants for financial aid can also request that information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) be used to register them with the Selective Service. Information on the Selective Service System is available and the registration process may be initiated online at
Student Organizations Policy
University recognition is a privilege granted to student organizations by the University. Recognized organizations are afforded access to campus resources and in turn agree to comply with regulations and procedures established for the governance of student groups.
Recognition of a student organization creates an official relationship with the University. It in no way implies that California State University, Chico approves of, supervises, sanctions, or takes responsibility for the actions and activities of the organization. While the University does not encourage or condone illegal or dangerous activities, individuals involving themselves in student organizations do so at their own risk.
No individual student or student organization may engage in or plan any activity that may be defined as "hazing." The California Education Code defines hazing as "any activity which causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace." In addition, no individual or organization may, by physical or mental stress or by subtle or covert technique, impair, make captive, or destroy an individual's freedom of thought or choice.
The policy does not supersede regulations set forth by federal, state, or trustee action, nor impede any additional restrictions or criteria from being implemented by the University. The University president maintains the right to withhold recognition and modify the policies governing recognition.
Student organizations benefit from the use of University facilities, equipment, services, and resources and participation in University activities and programs. Recognized organizations are eligible for funding from the Activity Fee Fund and the Student Program Committee following established procedures.
Complete copies of policies relating to the recognition of student organizations are available in the Student Life & Leadership, SSC 190, or on the Web at
Student Travel Policy
Students engaged in University-sponsored group activities (such as forensics, musical groups, athletics) will advise their instructors of their anticipated absences associated with the activity as early as possible in the semester and of any unscheduled absences as soon as those are known. Early in the semester, advisors for student-related University-sponsored activities must impress upon their students the necessity of advising faculty about the possibility of anticipated/unanticipated absences. Faculty, appropriately notified, will clearly identify for students the consequences of absences in the evaluation process and will provide students with the opportunity to make up the missed classwork and assignments, when possible.
Use of Computing and Communications Technology
Executive Memorandum 97-018, Policy on Use of Computing and Communications Technology for staff and students, and Executive Memorandum 07-001, Policy on Use of Computing and Communications Technology for Faculty, set forth users' rights and responsibilities and are designed to address related access, use, and privacy issues in a way that meets the university's legal responsibilities, assures the maintenance of the campus network systems, and treats the campus community with respect. The policies include all systems/resources for local, departmental and central university-wide facilities and apply only to institutional data and equipment. This policy assumes as a condition of use the exercise of common sense, common courtesy, and a respect for the rights and property of the university and other users. For a complete copy of the policies please refer to
Computer-Related Crimes and Policy
Recent legislation (Section 502 of the Penal Code) provides that students, who commit certain computer-related acts, if done knowingly and without permission, are subject to arrest and University discipline. These acts include the following:
Accessing or assisting in accessing or causing to be accessed, adding, altering, damaging, deleting, destroying, or otherwise using any data, computer, computer system, computer network, computer services, computer software, or computer programs to either a) devise or execute any scheme or artifice to defraud, deceive, or extort or b) to wrongfully control or obtain money, property, or data. Unlawful acts also include taking or copying any data or supporting documentation; disrupting or denying computer services to an authorized user; or introducing any computer contaminant into a computer system or network.
For more information on this issue, consult the office of Student Judicial Affairs, Kendall Hall, room 118, (530) 898-6897.
Campus Facilities Use
Instructional use of the campus is coordinated though Academic Publications and Scheduling Services (APSS) and Facilities Reservations (FRES). Recognized Student Organizations can reserve facilities through either the Student Life and Leadership Office (SLL) in SSC 190, (530) 898-5396 or for BMU facilities through the BMU Conference Services Office in BMU 102, (530) 898-6414. Reservations include both outdoor as well as indoor facilities. Contact either office for more information regarding campus facility use policies and procedures.
Trinity Commons: The area between Trinity Hall and the Bell Memorial Union is designated as Trinity Commons. Reservations and policy for its use are handled by the SLL (SSC 190, 530-898-5396). Members of the University community and their guests may use the area for the expression of ideas, opinions, and viewpoints. Impromptu use is permitted any time during daylight hours, and reservations may be made by recognized student, faculty, or staff organizations in the SLL. Any use of the area requiring amplification must be approved in advance.
Table Space: Recognized student organizations may reserve tables in the Bell Memorial Union at the University Information Center, located at the north entrance of the BMU building, (530) 898-4636. Permits for table space outside the BMU are available in the Student Life & Leadership Office, SSC 190. Commercial activity is not permitted unless a recognized organization is conducting it for the benefit of the group. Food sales are strictly regulated as to the types of products permitted. Call the SLL for details, (530) 898-5396.
Permits also are available for table and distribution space at fall and spring registration. Recognized organizations may also reserve other campus space on a space-available basis, per standard campus utilization policies and procedures. Call the SLL for complete details, (530) 898-5396.
Animal Welfare Policy
California State University, Chico will comply with all applicable provisions of the Animal Welfare Act and other federal and state statutes and regulations relating to animals. This policy, which will guide the University in the care and use of animals, is applicable to all research, research training, teaching, experimentation, biological testing, and related activities involving live, vertebrate animals conducted at CSU, Chico or at another institution as a consequence of our sub-granting or subcontracting such activity. The University Animal Care and Use committee acts as the inspection and enforcement arm of the animal care and use program. Consult the Office of Sponsored Programs for further information.
Alcohol and Drug Education
The Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center (CADEC) is located in the University Center. Peer counselors there provide information to students which enables them to make responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drugs. More information is available about their programs, and information services in a separate brochure and on the Web at
The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program provides information and referrals to employees with alcohol or drug problems, in addition to a range of other services.
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol is not sold or permitted on the campus. State law prohibits persons under the age of 21 to possess or use alcoholic beverages. It also is a violation of state law to furnish alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 21.
Executive Memorandum 99-011 states that "The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the California State University, Chico campus or in campus-owned facilities is generally prohibited as a matter of institutional policy."
Possession, transportation, or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all on-campus residence halls, including exterior grounds, lawns, and parking lots. Violators will face disciplinary action, including required attendance at Alcohol Education classes, performance of service hours, probation, termination of their housing contract, or possible suspension from the University. For complete information, contact Student Judicial Affairs at (530) 898-6897 or University Housing and Food Services (UHFS) at (530) 898-6325.
No student-sponsored group or organization may expend any Associated Students Activity Fee funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. For further information on the University Alcohol Policy, call the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, (530) 898-6131.
Drug Policy
The California State University Board of Trustees has established specific violations for which students may be subject to sanctions, including expulsion, suspension, and probation. Students will be disciplined for violations including the sale or knowing possession, on campus property, of dangerous drugs, restricted dangerous drugs, or narcotics as those terms are used in California statutes, except when lawfully permitted for the purpose of research, instruction, or analysis.
Smoking Policy
The University recognizes the harmful effects of smoking and involuntary contact with smoke. Smoking is prohibited in all University facilities (except for living quarters with open-air system designs) and within 25 feet of building doorways, windows, breezeways, and awnings. This prohibition also includes University vehicles. Students are required to comply with this policy during their enrollment at the University. For complete text, see Executive Memorandum 02-108.