AGET 110
Directed Work AGET
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
Weekly conferences for students with projects; directed work on the University Farm and elsewhere. Individual and group problems. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 4.0 units.
AGET 120
Introduction to Agricultural Mechanics
Selection, care, and use of common tools; study of safety, common materials and skills used in electrical, plumbing, woodworking, metal work, and land measurement in the field of agriculture. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
AGET 150
Agricultural Machine Systems
Principles of operation, adjustments, calibration, and safety of wheel and track-type tractors including implements and equipment commonly used in California agriculture. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
AGET 198
Special Topics
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours supervision.
AGET 298
Special Topics
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0 - 3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from semester to semester and be different for different sections. See the class schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours seminar.
AGET 299
Special Problems
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
This course is an Independent study of a topic or problem and is offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Students must register with a supervising faculty member. A maximum of 6 units of special problems may be applied toward a bachelor's degree in agriculture. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
AGET 340
GPS & GIS in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in agriculture and natural resource management. Identification and delineation of locations and areas; collection, analysis, storage, and retrieval of site and time specific data for agriculture and natural resource management and monitoring. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
AGET 360
Prerequisites: PSSC 101 or PSSC 250 or faculty permission.
Design, management, and evaluation of landscape and agricultural irrigation systems for efficient water use. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
AGET 389
Internship in Agricultural Engineering Technology
Prerequisites: Prior approval of academic goals by the Internship Coordinator.
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Work experience with selected farm machinery shop or corporations is to be completed and supervised by faculty and staff of cooperating ranch or industry. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
AGET 398
Special Topics
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0 - 3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from semester to semester and be different for different sections. See the class schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours seminar.
AGET 399
Special Problems
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing, faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of a topic or problem and is offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Students must register with a supervising faculty member. Study/research in agriculture under direct supervision of a faculty member. A maximum of 6 units may be applied toward a bachelor's degree in agriculture. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
AGET 489
Internship in Agri Engineering
3 hours lecture. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units.
AGET 498
Special Topics
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours supervision.
AGET 499
Special Problems
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.