AGET 340
GPS & GIS in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in agriculture and natural resource management. Identification and delineation of locations and areas; collection, analysis, storage, and retrieval of site and time specific data for agriculture and natural resource management and monitoring. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
ANTH 380
Field Archaeology
Archaeological survey and excavation; research aims and strategies; archaeological mapping, photography, and recording. 1 hour lecture, 9 hours supervision.
ANTH 484
Archaeological Site Surveying
Methods and techniques of locating archaeological and historical cultural resources in the field. Proper site recordation by means of photographs, drawings, maps, and appropriately filled-out site survey forms for cultural resource management purposes. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
BIOL 350
Fundamentals of Ecology
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement; BIOL 152 or faculty permission.
Some taxonomic background is recommended. Interrelationships among living organisms, field observations of such phenomena. Application of quantitative and qualitative methods to the interpretation of ecological phenomena. 2 hours discussion, 3 hours laboratory. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
BIOL 451
Plant Geography
Prerequisites: BIOL 152, BIOL 369.
The composition and distribution of plant communities, emphasizing the ecological, environmental, and evolutionary processes that affect them. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
CINS 370
Introduction to Databases
Prerequisite: CSCI 211 with a grade of C or higher.
This course provides an introduction to the theory and methodology for database design and implementation. Topics may include a survey/lecture component as well as a project component. The survey component covers entity- relationship modeling, relational algebra and calculus theories, data definition and data manipulation languages such as SQL, file structures, transactions, concurrency control, recovery, tuning and optimization, and object-oriented databases. The project entails requirements definition, design, and implementation of a database application. 2 hours discussion, 2 hours activity.
CINS 465
Web Programming Fundamentals
Prerequisites: CINS 110, CINS 370 both with a grade of C or higher.
A hands-on project course that examines languages, tools, protocols, and techniques for developing interactive and dynamic web applications. Topics include the model-view-controller pattern, server side and client side scripting, using a server side database, web applications security, and dynamic page styling, design, and layout. The course includes several web projects using a web programming framework. 3 hours discussion.
GEOS 325
Geology of California
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102 or consent of instructor.
Geologic setting of California and historical development of its geologic provinces. The impact of earthquakes, volcanic activity, coastal erosion, and earth resources on California. Field trip required. 3 hours discussion.
GEOS 360
Field Methods
Prerequisites: GEOS 306, GEOS 307.
Elementary geologic field methods, descriptive geometry, photogeology, and geologic mapping. Ten days in the field during January intersession. 6 hours laboratory.
GEOS 380
Prerequisites: PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A (may be taken concurrently).
A survey of the mass transfer processes and storage elements within the hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, surface runoff, infiltration, evapo-transpiration, soil water and groundwater. Quantitative methods for estimating flow and storage, use of probability concepts to predict extreme hydrologic events in a time series. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
GEOS 390
Surficial Processes
Prerequisites: MATH 120; either PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A.
A survey of the processes governing uplift and denudation of landscapes, including isostasy, chemical and physical weathering, mass movements, surface water erosion, formation of channels, and flow and sediment transport. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
GEOS 410
Introduction to Watershed Hydrology
Prerequisites: GEOS 380 or prior hydrology course work and consent of instructor.
A survey of the hydrologic processes governing the movement and storage of water at the watershed scale. Emphasis is on computer-based methods for characterizing the physical framework and quantifying the resultant hydrology in terms of its temporal and spatial variability. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
GEOS 471
Field Geology
Prerequisites: GEOS 360, GEOS 361, GEOS 408, GEOS 455 with grade of C- or higher in all courses.
Mapping, recording, and interpreting data in the field; use of Brunton compass and topographic maps emphasized. Reports required. Field work during January Intersession totaling at least 10 days. 6 hours laboratory.
GEOS 572
Advanced Field Geology
Prerequisite: GEOS 403 with a grade of C- or higher.
Corequisite: GEOS 471 (winter field - grade of C- or higher).
Independent geologic mapping of a difficult area. Report required. Field work on weekends or during spring recess, totaling at least 10 days. 6 hours laboratory.
Environmental Health
An overview of the relationship of people and nature; the impact of environmental conditions, such as water and air pollution, solid wastes, food contamination, vectors, radiation, noise, light, which cause deleterious effects on people's physical, mental, and social well-being. Individual and collective consumer intervention in environmental health problems. 3 hours discussion. Formerly HCSV 362.
HCSV 425
Research and Evaluation in Health
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, HCSV 211, MATH 105.
The course introduces students to research methodology and program evaluation techniques in the health field. Students develop skills for critically reading professional literature and writing a research or program evaluation proposal. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
HCSV 463
Prerequisites: MATH 105; HCSV 211, HCSV 321 for Health Education majors only. Recommended: HCSV 320.
Study of the patterns of the major chronic and infectious diseases. Both individual- and population-based approaches to prevention and control will be examined. 3 hours discussion.
MINS 335
Database Application Development
Prerequisites: BSIS 301, MINS 235.
Study of database application development concepts and techniques. Advanced data modeling and SQL for complex business applications. Stored procedures and database triggers. Application of concepts and techniques to practical business information processing environments. Development of a fully integrated database application. Study of Web database interface capabilities. 3 hours lecture.
MINS 526
Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing: Design and Development
Prerequisite: MINS 235. Open only to BADM, BSIS and MBA majors
Advanced instruction of business intelligence and data warehousing. The course covers business intelligence functionality with an emphasis on data warehouse design and development. Students demonstrate a working knowledge of business intelligence and data warehouse design development and performance management via hands on assignments and a culminating project. 3 hours lecture.
PSSC 330
Rangeland Resources and Management
A survey of North American rangeland resources and the principles of their use and management, including basic plant-animal-soil relationships and multiple uses. 3 hours lecture.
PSSC 356
Soil Quality and Health
Prerequisites: PSSC 250 or instructor permission.
Course examines the capacity of the soil to function within natural and managed ecosystems to sustain plant/animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation. Soil quality factors include biological, physical, and chemical soil properties. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity.
RHPM 400
Management of Recreation and Parks
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, RHPM 200, RHPM 301; one course chosen from RHPM 220, RHPM 240, RHPM 250, or RHPM 260; senior standing.
Management of parks and/or recreation operations and agencies. Legalities, policies, practices, procedures, principles, and theory related to planning, organizing, staffing, training, motivating, controlling, evaluating, financing, and managing resources in parks, recreation, and leisure services. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors. Formerly RECR 400.
RHPM 446
Natural Resources Management
Prerequisites: RHPM 240, RHPM 300, or faculty permission.
Managing the interactions between natural resources and users to produce outdoor recreation. The outdoor recreation production function. Carrying capacity, limits of acceptable change, competition, and complementarity among recreation uses and between recreation uses and other resource uses. Methods for monitoring recreational impacts, and approaches to managing resource quality and recreational opportunities. Required field trip. 3 hours discussion. Formerly RECR 446.