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- The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- The Bachelor of Science in Geology
- The Bachelor of Science in Geosciences
- The Minor in Geology
- The Certificate in Hydrogeology
- The Single Subject Matter Preparation Program in Science
- The Master of Science in Environmental Science
- The Master of Science in Geosciences
- Department Info
- Faculty
- Course Offerings
Please see the section on Course Description Symbols and Terms in the University Catalog for an explanation of course description terminology and symbols, the course numbering system, and course credit units. All courses are lecture and discussion and employ letter grading unless otherwise stated. Some prerequisites may be waived with faculty permission. Many syllabi are available on the Chico Web.
Geological and Environmental Sciences Course Offerings
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
GEOS 101 | General Geology |
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3.0 | FS | GE |
Earth materials, processes, and history, and their significance to humankind. No college credit for students who have passed GEOS 102. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 102 | Physical Geology |
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3.0 | FS | GE |
Prerequisites: High school chemistry or physics is recommended; students with no previous science courses are advised to enroll in GEOS 101. No college credit for those who have passed GEOS 101.
Physical and chemical processes in the earth, including origin and identification of rocks and minerals; earth's interior; movements and major features of the earth's crust; erosion and sedimentation; geological structures; topographic maps; mineral resources. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 104 | Inquiry into Earth and Environmental Sciences | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
An experiential course that develops skills in critical thinking through inquiry into and analysis of controversial phenomena in the earth and space sciences (e.g. evolution, global warming, peak oil, and alternative energy sources). 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 105 | Introduction to Astronomy | 3.0 | FS | ||
Origin and evolution of the universe. Topics include black holes, pulsars, quasars, life in the universe, and interstellar communication. Constellation study in Roth Planetarium and telescope observation of stars and galaxies at Observatory. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity.
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GEOS 110 | Oceanography | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Introduction to the ocean environment with a special emphasis on exploring the interactions between the geological, physical, chemical and biological processes. Topics include how ocean basins developed and changed over geological time scales and how the properties of seawater are linked and provide the foundation for marine life, motion, and climate. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 130 | Introduction to Environmental Science |
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3.0 | FS | GE |
An introduction to human impact upon planet Earth. Scientific principles applied to air pollution, water pollution, and solid and radioactive waste problems. Population dynamics, world hunger, and environmental issue analysis are also covered. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 165 | Environment I: Principles and Practices |
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1.0 | FA | |
Prerequisites: High school biology, chemistry or physics recommended; or faculty permission.
An introduction to environmental science as an integrative field of study and its parent disciplines. Field and laboratory techniques are introduced through examination of case studies. Students learn about the various professions engaged in environmental and resource management. 1 hour lecture.
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GEOS 170 | Environment II: Weather | 3.0 | SP | ||
A descriptive study of weather processes; winds, circulations and storms; and weather impacts on life, property, crops, water availability, and air quality. Current weather briefings and California weather topics are emphasized. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 198 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 199 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 203 | Principles of Historical Geology | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102.
Principles of historical geology as they relate to rock sequences and geologic maps. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 250 | Computer Applications in Geosciences | 1.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: MATH 109 or MATH 120 (may be taken concurrently) or faculty permission.
Develop skills in applying common computer software, including data analysis, presentation, graphics, and others. Use of this software as applied to selected problems in environmental sciences and geosciences. 2 hours activity.
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GEOS 265 | Environment III: Water and Soils |
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2.0 | FA | |
Prerequisites: GEOS 170 or SCED 343.
In-depth survey of the hydrologic cycle, and soil systems. Interactions between these systems are examined through case studies. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours activity.
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GEOS 289 | Geoscience Internship | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units.
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GEOS 299 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 300 | Earth System Science |
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3.0 | FS | GW |
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement; CHEM 107 or CHEM 111; PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A or PHYS 341.
An intermediate treatment of astronomy, meteorology, and oceanography, with emphasis on climate change and its impacts. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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GEOS 303 | Invertebrate Paleontology | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 102 or course in Biology.
Study of main groups of invertebrate fossils and their uses in biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography, and paleoecology. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 306 | Mineralogy and Lithology | 4.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102; CHEM 107 or CHEM 111 or equivalent; or faculty permission.
Identification and origins of the more common minerals and rocks. 2 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 307 | Stratigraphy | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 203 and GEOS 306 (both may be taken concurrently), or faculty permission.
Basic concepts of stratigraphy. Methods of strata description, correlation, mapping, and interpretation. Sedimentary tectonics and lithic associations. Graphic representation of data. 2 hours discussion, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 310 | Geological Field Reconnaissance | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102.
Faculty permission required to take the course a second time for credit. Generalized field study of geologically noteworthy areas. (Minimum of eight consecutive days in the field during January intersession or spring vacation; and additional work or classroom meetings.) 6 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 4.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 315 | Pollution Science | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 107 or CHEM 111.
Principles and applications of major natural and anthropogenic pollution processes which include origins, transport, and sinks of contaminants in the environment. Topics include acid rain, mine waste and drainage, and agricultural pesticides. Environmental impacts, remediation and control of pollution are discussed. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 321 | Introduction to Meteorology | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: MATH 120; either PHYS 202B or PHYS 204C.
Survey of physical and dynamic meteorology. Topics covered include thermodynamics, radiation, clouds and precipitation formation, tropical and extratropical weather systems, forecasting, and climate change. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 325 | Geology of California | 3.0 | S2 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102 or consent of instructor.
Geologic setting of California and historical development of its geologic provinces. The impact of earthquakes, volcanic activity, coastal erosion, and earth resources on California. Field trip required. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 330 | Environmental Science |
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3.0 | SMF | GE |
Prerequisites: One course from GE Pathway Foundation Physical Sciences and one course from GE Pathway Foundation Life Sciences.
Human impact on life-support systems; use of physical and ecological principles in environmental management and protection; discussion of land use and its environmental impact; and an evaluation of human influence on natural cycles. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 330Z | Environmental Science - Capstone |
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3.0 | FS | GE WI C |
Prerequisites: One course from GE Pathway Foundation Physical Sciences and one course from GE Pathway Foundation Life Sciences.
Human impact on life-support systems; use of physical and ecological principles in environmental management and protection; discussion of land use and its environmental impact; and an evaluation of human influence on natural cycles. 3 hours lecture.This is an approved Writing Intensive course. This is an approved General Education Capstone course.
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GEOS 341 | Teaching Practicum in Geological and Environmental Sciences | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: Both GEOS 102 and GEOS 105, or SCED 342.
This course provides students with classroom experience that utilizes a variety of interactive, engaging teaching styles that develop and reinforce skills and concepts through open-ended activities such as direct instruction, discourse, demonstrations, individual and cooperative learning explorations, peer instruction, and student-centered discussion. 9 hours supervision.
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GEOS 355 | Geologic Hazards |
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3.0 | FS | GE |
Prerequisites: GE Foundation Areas Physical Science and Life Science.
This course melds the scientific basis of natural phenomena that become deadly hazards with the geopolitical climate that shapes culture. Explores the imbalance of energy on the Earth vs. human fallacy in misappropriation of technological advances as potential causes of geohazards. This course places the collision of science and human values on the international stage. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 360 | Field Methods | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 306, GEOS 307.
Elementary geologic field methods, descriptive geometry, photogeology, and geologic mapping. Ten days in the field during January intersession. 6 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 361 | Preparation of the Geological Report | 1.0 | SP | GW | |
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, GEOS 360.
This course is a continuation of the writing experience that is initiated in GEOS 360. It deconstructs scientific writing through a re-writing of the GEOS 360 field report and analysis of other examples of geologic articles. 1 hour lecture. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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GEOS 365 | Environment IV: Environmental Science Applications |
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2.0 | SP | |
Prerequisite: GEOS 265 or faculty permission.
Intermediate treatment of selected topics in environmental sciences. Students build on concepts and skills learned in Environment I-III courses. Local research projects and case studies are considered. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours activity.
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GEOS 370 | Energy in the Human Environment |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: One course from GE Pathway Foundation Physical Sciences.
Analysis of present and long-term global energy crises; coverage of scientific concepts needed to understand energy and its environmental interactions; in-depth examination of alternative energy sources and their environmental impact. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 375 | Geology of Food and Health | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Focuses on the relation between natural geological factors, food production, and health problems in humans and animals on a global scale, and explores the impacts of diverse proposed solutions on population health and public policy. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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GEOS 380 | Hydrology |
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3.0 | FA | |
Prerequisites: PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A (may be taken concurrently).
A survey of the mass transfer processes and storage elements within the hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, surface runoff, infiltration, evapo-transpiration, soil water and groundwater. Quantitative methods for estimating flow and storage, use of probability concepts to predict extreme hydrologic events in a time series. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 382 | Hydrologic Field Methods I | 1.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisite: GEOS 380 (may be taken concurrently) or faculty permission.
Develops field and related laboratory skills in performing common measurements in surface water and soil water components of the hydrologic cycle. Students learn to critically evaluate the theoretical basis for field methods and hydrologic characterization approaches. 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 383 | Hydrologic Field Methods II | 1.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisite: GEOS 380 (may be taken concurrently), GEOS 415 or faculty permission.
Develops field and related laboratory skills in performing common measurements of precipitation and groundwater. Students learn to critically evaluate the theoretical basis for field methods and hydrolgic characterization approaches. 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 390 | Surficial Processes |
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3.0 | F1 | |
Prerequisites: MATH 120; either PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A.
A survey of the processes governing uplift and denudation of landscapes, including isostasy, chemical and physical weathering, mass movements, surface water erosion, formation of channels, and flow and sediment transport. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 398 | Special Topics | 1.0 -4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 399 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 400 | Physical Meteorology | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: MATH 121; either PHYS 202B or PHYS 204C. Recommended: GEOS 321.
The physical processes of the atmosphere: atmospheric hydrostatics and thermodynamics; aerosol physics; cloud microphysics and dynamics; radiative transfer. The role of these processes in cloud and storm development is also covered. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 402 | Optical Mineralogy | 1.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 306 with grade of C- or higher. Corequisites: GEOS 403.
Theory and practice of identification of minerals with the petrographic microscope. Emphasis on the common rock-forming silicates. 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 403 | Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology | 4.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 306 with grade of C- or higher. Corequisite: GEOS 402.
Physical-chemical development and geotectonic settings of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Analysis of rock thin sections. Field trip required. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 408 | Structural Geology | 4.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: High school or college trigonometry; GEOS 203; GEOS 307 with grade of C- or higher.
Behavior of geologic materials. Folds, faults, small-scale structures in sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Graphic methods. 2 hours lecture, 4 hours activity.
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GEOS 410 | Introduction to Watershed Hydrology |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: GEOS 380 or prior hydrology course work and consent of instructor.
A survey of the hydrologic processes governing the movement and storage of water at the watershed scale. Emphasis is on computer-based methods for characterizing the physical framework and quantifying the resultant hydrology in terms of its temporal and spatial variability. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 415 | Hydrogeology |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: CHEM 111, GEOS 306, GEOS 380, MATH 120; PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A. Recommended: GEOS 307.
Theory and analysis of groundwater flow, including fluid physics, aquifer properties, soil water, groundwater recharge, hydrogeologic environments, aquifer mechanics, and water quality degradation. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 436 | Volcanology | 3.0 | S1 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102, GEOS 306.
An introduction to physical processes associated with terrestrial and extraterrestrial volcanoes and their products. Specific topics include volcano monitoring, rheologic properties of magma and volcanic flows, experimental volcanology, theoretical and analog flow modeling, as well as in-depth examination of local volcanoes and various eruptions (past, present, and future). This course includes an extended (4-5 days) field trip, required for all students. Students participate in the field by collecting data for future course projects, presenting prepared information at various field trip stops, or both. Students also complete research projects throughout the semester. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 440 | Fundamentals in Environmental Science Instrumentation | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 250; PHYS 202B or PHYS 204B or PHYS 204C.
This course provides hands-on experience in the design, construction and use of automated data acquisition systems in the environmental and hydrogeological sciences. Primary emphasis is on the use of a laboratory workshop for actual building of systems commonly used in monitoring and characterization of air, water and land resources. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 450 | Tectonics | 3.0 | S1 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 306, GEOS 307.
Evolution of the larger features of the earth; continents, oceans, mountain ranges, and lithospheric plates. Methods of tectonic analysis, including interpretation. Geologic development of the western United States. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 455 | Sedimentary Basin Analysis | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 307, GEOS 403.
Study of the paleographic evolution of sedimentary basins. Includes stratigraphic and paleontologic correlation, facies analysis, sedimentary petrology, depositional systems, and the tectonic framework of sedimentary basins. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 460 | Water Resources Management |
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3.0 | S2 | |
Prerequisite: GEOS 380.
Water-resources, management plans of world; emphasis on California and Israeli plans. Water plans in primitive, agrarian, and industrial societies. Data gathering and interpretation, regulation of water resources, and control of water pollution. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 470 | Renewable Energy | 3.0 | F1 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 370; MATH 109 or MATH 120; PHYS 202A or PHYS 204A.
Teach students about the wide range of renewable energy technologies that are available, how they harvest energy from the environment, how they impact the environment, and their varying degrees of competitiveness with fossil fuels. Major forms of renewable energy covered include solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, bioenergy, hydroelectricity, tidal power, wind energy, wave energy, and geothermal energy. Students also gain experience reading, researching, and presenting findings. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 471 | Field Geology | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 360, GEOS 361, GEOS 408, GEOS 455 with grade of C- or higher in all courses.
Mapping, recording, and interpreting data in the field; use of Brunton compass and topographic maps emphasized. Reports required. Field work during January Intersession totaling at least 10 days. 6 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 480 | Seminar in the Geological and Environmental Sciences |
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1.0 | FS | |
Prerequisite: Geological and Environmental Sciences (GEOS) majors only.
The seminar series engages students in recent research and developments in the Geological and Environmental Sciences, and develops skills in scientific literature retrieval. 1 hour seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 489 | Geoscience Internship | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units.
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GEOS 489T | Internship in Geoscience Teaching | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102, GEOS 203.
This is a supervised internship in geoscience teaching which takes place in a local junior high or high school geoscience classroom, supervised by the classroom teacher and by a faculty member of the CSUC Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences. 9 hours supervision. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 490 | Seminar in the Geosciences | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Readings, reports, and discussion of topics in the current literature or of special studies in any area of the physical sciences. May include research project; see instructor. 1 hour seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 9.0 units.
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GEOS 498 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 499 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 499H | Honors Research in the Geosciences | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: First semester: 9 upper-division units in major, B average, faculty permission. Second semester: B or higher in first semester, faculty permission.
An intensive two-semester course in research within a subdiscipline of the physical sciences. Students enroll for 3 units each semester. Open only to students with at least a 3.0 GPA in the major. The course consists of a research project done under the supervision of a faculty member, a formal written paper, and a public presentation. This course may be used to fulfill a maximum of 3 units of the upper-division requirement for the major. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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GEOS 501 | Dynamic Meteorology and Analysis | 3.0 | S2 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 400.
Theory, analysis, and forecasting of intermediate and large-scale motions in the atmosphere. Topics include the primitive flow equations, planetary boundary layer, synoptic-scale motions, atmospheric oscillations, mesoscale circulations, and the general global circulation. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 502 | Air Pollution Meteorology |
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3.0 | S1 | |
Prerequisites: CHEM 112, GEOS 321 or GEOS 400, MATH 121, or faculty permission.
Physical meteorological processes relevant to air pollution with a primary focus on the atmospheric boundary layer. Topics include pollutant sources and sinks, visibility, stability, deposition and dispersion, atmospheric turbulence, plume modeling, and the design of air quality monitoring networks. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 516 | Natural Water Systems |
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3.0 | F2 | |
Prerequisites: CHEM 111, GEOS 315.
Fundamentals of processes in environmental aquatic systems emphasizing acid-base and pE-pH relationships, solubility of carbon species in natural waters, and interactions at the solid-liquid interface. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 517 | The Atmospheric Environment |
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3.0 | F1 | |
Prerequisites: CHEM 112, GEOS 315.
Principles of transport of atmospheric constituents. Kinetics, mechanisms and photochemistry in the troposphere and stratosphere. A survey of atmospheric aerosols. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 530 | Environmental Systems Modeling I |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: CHEM 112; GEOS 330 or faculty permission; MATH 120; either PHYS 202B or PHYS 204C.
Physical principles, theory and analysis techniques for computer modeling in the geosciences. Methods of estimation and error analysis, boundary values and initial conditions, steady-state and time-dependent models. Emphasis on problems relating to air and water pollution and hydrologic cycle. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 535 | Pollution Ecology |
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3.0 | F2 | |
Prerequisites: Chem 112, GEOS 315.
The application of biological, ecological, chemical, and physical sciences to understanding the fate and transport of pollutants through ecosystems. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 536 | Applied Ecology |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: BIOL 350.
Examination of the mechanisms, directions, and magnitude of an organism's or ecosystem's response to human perturbation. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 537 | Ecohydrology |
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3.0 | S2 | |
Prerequisites: BIOL 350, GEOS 380, or instructor consent.
The study of linkages between hydrologic processes and ecosystem functions; field methods for data gathering; hydrologic transport of nutrients and pollutants through ecosystems; case studies of problems in ecohydrology. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 540 | Applied Paleontology |
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3.0 | S2 | |
Prerequisites: GEOS 303, GEOS 307.
This course trains students in fundamentals of paleontological resource management. As an applied course, students integrate governmental regulations with the scientific method and client budgetary demands. A significant objective is to provide students with the practical experience to be able to apply for work as a "Paleontological Monitor" during environmental impact studies. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 545 | Applied Geophysics | 3.0 | S1 | ||
Prerequisites: One year of physics, GEOS 102, or faculty permission.
Introduction to solid-earth geophysical exploration techniques and data analysis. Includes electrical, electromagnetic, gravimetric, and seismic surveying, and wireline well logging. Concentration on problems in environmental science, hydrology, mineral prospecting, and oil exploration. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 549 | Economic Geology | 3.0 | F2 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 306, GEOS 307; or faculty permission.
The integrative course dealing with origins and occurrences of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits, including factors in their use. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 550 | Fossil Fuels | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisite: GEOS 307 or faculty permisison.
Geological principles and environmental impacts of exploring for and exploiting resources of petroleum, natural gas, oil shales, oil sands, coal, and coalbed-methane. Applications using geological data, potential sites for CO2 sequestration and environmental impact assessments are emphasized. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 565 | Geochemistry | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 111, GEOS 102. Recommended: GEOS 306.
Investigation of the chemistry of minerals, rocks, and natural waters. Provides students with interests in geology, hydrology, environmental science, and other disciplines a background on the chemical compositions of rocks, minerals, and natural waters; chemical processes in the formation of rocks and waters; principles of reaction chemistry, thermodynamics, and kinetics applied to geochemical systems; and migration of chemical contaminants in the environment. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 570 | Environmental and Engineering Geology |
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3.0 | F1 | |
Prerequisites: GEOS 102, GEOS 203, GEOS 306. For majors in related sciences and technical fields, GEOS 102 only.
Practical application of techniques to solve geological engineering and environmental problems. Techniques of surface investigations and remote sensing; borehole and surface geophysics; soil descriptions and properties; landslide mapping, mechanics and remediation, subsurface investigation of rock masses; mapping of discontinuities, establishing rock quality, tunneling techniques. Seismic studies; surface and trench mapping of faults, seismic risk analysis. Ground water monitoring, site assessment, techniques of hazardous waste cleanup, state and federal regulations on hazardous waste, siting of landfills. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 572 | Advanced Field Geology | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisite: GEOS 403 with a grade of C- or higher. Corequisite: GEOS 471 (winter field - grade of C- or higher).
Independent geologic mapping of a difficult area. Report required. Field work on weekends or during spring recess, totaling at least 10 days. 6 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 575 | Senior Project | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: Senior standing in Hydrology or Environmental Science Options.
Independent application of current standard field and laboratory methods to environmental analysis. Analysis and presentation of an individual environmental project. 1 hour discussion, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 580 | Geological Evolution of North America | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 455, senior standing in Geology major, or faculty permission.
Group study of topics related to the geological evolution of North America. Student presentations and group discussion will focus on common themes or geologic regions. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 598 | Special Topics | 1.0 -4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours discussion.
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GEOS 599 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 600 | Geosciences Seminar I | 1.0 | FA | ||
Presentation and discussion of reports on current literature and special studies in geosciences. 1 hour seminar.
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GEOS 601 | Geosciences Seminar II | 1.0 | SP | ||
Presentation and discussion of reports on current literature and special studies in geosciences. 1 hour seminar.
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GEOS 606 | Teaching Assistant Preparation | 2.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisite: Graduate status. This course is also offered as SCED 600.
This is a seminar course for teaching assistants focusing on the theory and practice of active learning in science laboratory settings. The overall goals of the course; 1) To increase participants understanding of strategies to engage students in active learning, 2) to provide opportunities for modeling best practices in science teaching and 3) confidence in his/her ability as effective science lab instructors. 2 hours seminar.
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GEOS 617 | Advanced Topics in Geology | 3.0 | FS | ||
You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Discussions and library research into selected topics; may include some lab or field work. Different topics presented each semester. May be repeated for credit, with permission of instructor. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 9.0 units.
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GEOS 619 | Advanced Topics in Meteorology | 3.0 | FS | ||
You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Discussions and library research into selected topics; may include some lab work. Different topics presented each semester. May be repeated for credit, with permission of instructor. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 9.0 units.
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GEOS 621 | Advanced Topics in Hydrology | 3.0 | FS | ||
You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Discussions and library research into selected topics; may include some lab work. Different topics presented each semester. May be repeated for credit, with permission of instructor. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 9.0 units.
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GEOS 625 | Advanced Topics in Environmental Science | 3.0 | FS | ||
You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Discussions and library research into selected topics; may include some lab work. Different topics presented each semester. May be repeated for credit, with permission of instructor. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 9.0 units.
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GEOS 630 | Geotectonic Development of California | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Geological and geophysical characteristics of the geomorphic provinces of California. Formation of surficial features, such as mountain ranges, drainage networks, and valleys as a response to active tectonic processes. Detailed geologic and physiographic framework of Northern California as a setting for field-based studies in the geosciences. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 640 | Hydrogeochemistry | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 111, CHEM 112. Recommended: GEOS 565.
Origins and sources of chemical constituents of natural waters, including water-rock interactions, equilibrium aqueous speciation, reaction-path modeling, oxidation-reduction reactions, mineral solubility relations, geochemical transport, reaction kinetics, and aqueous isotopic systems. 3 hours seminar.
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GEOS 650 | Environmental Monitoring |
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2.0 | FA | |
Survey of environmental monitoring for air quality, water quality, pollution, waste disposal, environmental resources, etc., including field and laboratory observations and exercises. An individual term project in environmental monitoring is required and may involve collection of field data, interpretation of field data, development of analytical capabilities, or other subjects pertinent to the student's research interests. 1 hour discussion, 3 hours laboratory.
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GEOS 652 | Science and Environmental Regulations | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 270 or CHEM 320, MATH 120, PHYS 202B. Recommended: BIOL 350 or BIOL 360.
Examination of the scientific basis of environmental regulations, case studies. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 654 | Environmental Risk Assessment | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 270 or CHEM 320, MATH 120, PHYS 202B. Recommended: BIOL 350 or BIOL 360.
The scientific basis of risk assessment in various sectors of human activity, with particular emphasis on business, industrial, governmental agency, and planning concerns. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 656 | Environmental Sciences Capstone | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: Completion of three semesters of coursework in either the Environmental Sciences MS program or the proposed PSM option of the Environmental Sciences MS program.
Overview of environmental science issues, including biological, chemical, and engineering examples. Particular focus is on future issues and approaches. Social and ethical issues are also examined. 9 hours supervision.
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GEOS 660 | Numerical Analysis | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: MATH 120.
Survey and implementation of common numerical techniques in use in geoscientific data analysis, including multivariate data analysis, geostatistics, finite difference and finite element analyses, time-series analysis, and fractal geometry. 3 hours lecture.
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GEOS 697 | Independent Study | 1.0 -4.0 | FS | ||
This course is a graduate-level independent study offered for 1.0-4.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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GEOS 699P | Master's Project | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
This course is a master's project offered for 1.0-6.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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GEOS 699T | Master's Thesis | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
This course is a master's thesis offered for 1.0-6.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.