Course Description Symbols and Terms
Course Description Symbols and Terms Page Navigation
- Line 1-Course Identification, Title, Unit Value, Semester Offered, and Special Designation
- Line 2 & 3-Prerequisites, Corequisites, Faculty Permission
- Line 4-The Course Description
- Laptop Requirement
- Sustainability Courses
- Course Numbering System
- Course Number Suffix Guidelines
- Reserved Course Numbers
- Course Subject Abbreviations
The following is an example of a catalog course description illustrating the notations and symbols used for course descriptions throughout the University Catalog.
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ANTH 340W | Anthropology of Food (W) |
![]() |
3.0 | FS | GE GC W |
Line 1-Course Identification (Subject and Course Number), Title, Unit Value, Semester Offered, and Special Designation
The first line of the course description contains the official Course Identification used in the Class Schedule, student registration lists, and transcripts. It is preceded by the complete course title, unit value, semester-offered symbol and any special designations.
Credit for courses offered by California State University, Chico is awarded in terms of semester units. The unit value of a course is computed on the basis of one unit for each hour of lecture or discussion, two hours of activity, two to three hours of laboratory, or three hours of independent study or internship per week, for a 16-week semester (15 weeks instruction plus mandatory final week for two additional hours minimum). Courses meeting for fewer than 16 weeks will require an equivalent number of hours pro-rated on a per-week basis. For most courses, two hours of out-of-class preparation will be expected for each hour of in-class lecture or recitation. A credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute period. In courses in which “seat time” does not apply, a credit hour may be measured by an equivalent amount of work, as demonstrated by student achievement. View AA-2011-14 here.
The semester a course is normally offered is symbolized as follows:
- FA = during fall semester each year
- SP = during spring semester each year
- FS = during fall and spring semester each year
- SMF = during spring, summer, and fall semester each year
- F1 = during fall semester odd years
- F2 = during fall semester even years
- S1 = during spring semester odd years
- S2 = during spring semester even years
- MF = during summer and fall each year
- SM = during summer session
- SX = during special session only
- Inq = inquire at department, offered irregularly
Special designations may include:
- GC = approved global cultures course
- GE = approved general education course
- USD = approved US diversity course
- GW = approved graduation writing assessment course
- W = approved writing course
Lines 2 & 3-Prerequisites, Corequisites, Faculty Permission
Registration requirements are outlined on the line immediately following the course title and are defined as follows:
Prerequisites: You must fulfill specific coursework or other conditions before you will be allowed to enroll in the course. Prerequisites may be waived by the faculty member only on approval of a formal petition which fully outlines the equivalent attainment. You must have a passing grade for a prerequisite course. Your total number of units determines whether you meet a prerequisite for class level (e.g., sophomore), unless the requirement is otherwise defined and listed in the catalog.
The prerequisites line may also contain the following information:
Recommended: It is recommended that you have prior coursework or knowledge; the term is used to advise and caution, but not to prevent your enrollment.
Corequisite: You must take concurrently the course or courses indicated. The requirement may not be waived.
Recommended Co-enrollment: You are advised to take a recommended concurrent enrollment; it is used to advise you of proper course sequence.
Faculty Permission: You must obtain permission of the instructor before registration can be allowed. Inquire in the department office for specific instructions regarding permission to register.
Line 4-The Course Description:
A complete course description is provided. You may assume courses meet for one hour of lecture per unit of credit with regular letter grading employed unless otherwise stated. At the end of the course description, a statement or series of statements will appear to indicate any special features of the course: activities, labs, or supervised activity; ABC/NC or CR/NC grading; courses permitting registration more than once; special fees associated with a course; and courses approved for General Education and U.S. Diversity or Global Cultures studies. This practice is subject to change without notice.
Laptop Requirement
There are some courses that require the use of a laptop computer, and others that require specific software, or both. These courses and the programs they appear in cannot be completed without the required hardware and software. Programs and courses that have such requirements will have clear notes to identify them. Please consult with the specific departments for details.
Sustainability Courses
Courses marked with a green leaf symbol are a part of CSU, Chico's devotion to sustainability practices and education. These green courses emphasize environmentally responsible awareness and learning.
Course Numbering System
The following course numbering system is employed.
001-099: Pre-Baccalaureate
These courses are generally developmental or preparatory and carry no baccalaureate credit.
100-199: Freshman or 1st Year, Lower-Division
These courses are designed for freshmen, but may be taken by others. Many community college courses may be comparable.
200-299: Sophomore or 2nd Year, Lower-Division
These courses are designed for sophomores, but may be taken by others. Some community college courses may be comparable.
300-399: Junior or 3rd Year, Upper-Division
These courses are designed for juniors, but may be taken by others. This course designation is appropriate for GE Upper-Division Themes. None of these courses are comparable to community college courses. Since community college courses cannot qualify for upper-division credit, it is presumed that upper-division courses at CSU, Chico should not be equivalent to similar courses at any community college.
400-499: Senior or 4th Year, Upper-Division or Graduate
These courses are designed for seniors, but may be taken by others. This course designation is appropriate for senior seminars and courses that require a high degree of disciplinary sophistication or a high degree of specificity in content. It assumes considerable prerequisite knowledge and experience. None of these courses are comparable to community college courses. Students receiving graduate credit for these courses generally are required to complete additional coursework compared to students receiving baccalaureate credit.
500-599: Advanced Senior or Graduate
These courses reflect advanced study, which is appropriate for both seniors and graduate students. Students receiving graduate credit for these courses generally are required to complete additional coursework compared to students receiving baccalaureate credit. These courses can include post-baccalaureate courses, such as those in credential programs, which are not permitted to be included in coursework for graduate degrees.
600-699: Graduate
Graduate courses are open to post-baccalaureate students only, except that undergraduates with permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies may enroll. They require an identification and investigation of a theory or principle; application of theory to new ideas, problems, and materials; extensive use of bibliographic and other resource materials; or competence in the scholarly presentation of independent study research.
700-799: Reserved For Future Use
800-899: Other
These courses focus on problems encountered in professional service and aim to meet the needs of groups seeking vocational improvement and career advancement. They are designed primarily for the purpose of meeting objectives that cannot be served by established graduate and undergraduate courses. Credit for these courses does not apply to degrees. However, in exceptional cases and with the approval of the appropriate department and college dean, students may apply these towards degree and credential programs for which such courses are deemed acceptable. Determination of the acceptability of these courses for degree and credential credit will depend primarily upon course content and approach. Students should not consider registering in these courses for credential or degree purposes without first consulting with the appropriate department.
900-999: Non-Credit
These non-credit courses are designed to provide opportunities to pursue cultural, intellectual, and social interests.
Course Number Suffix Guidelines
Suffixes may be used with course numbers.
A list of suffixes used is below:
- E = ESL courses.
- H = honors.
- L = laboratory.
- S = service learning.
- W = writing.
- X = supplemental instruction.
Course sequences with suffixes may be sequential (i.e., A, B, C, D etc.). Sequential order may or may not indicate a series of courses. See the academic department for more information.
- Suffixes on graduate level 699 courses (only) may include:
- P = project.
- T = thesis.
Reserved Course Numbers
189, 289, 389, 489, 589, 689: Internship and other experience-based courses. These courses involve community work with placement in a public or private agency under the supervision of a qualified professional. A maximum of 15 internship units may be applied to a bachelor's degree (a department may limit the number of units which count toward its major requirements).
198, 298, 398, 498, 598, 698: Special topics and experimental courses offered on a one-time only basis or new courses offered between catalogs. No University limit on the number which may count for a degree. A major may limit the number of units which count towards its major requirements.
199, 299, 399, 499, 599: Special problems courses used for independent study with variable units. You are strongly advised to enroll in no more than 3 units of independent study per semester; a total of 6 units may apply towards a bachelor's degree, although a major may further limit the number which counts toward major requirements. Special problems courses numbered 599 and lower may not apply in a master's degree program.
399H, 499H, 599H: Honors courses are available only to students admitted to Honors in the Major or Honors in General Education, typically for independent study leading to Honors. These 3- or 6-unit courses are normally taken in the senior year. These units do not count toward the maximums listed in the preceding paragraph.
697: Independent Study: See Graduate Education Policies
696: Comprehensive Examination: See Graduate Education Policies
699: Master's Study: See Graduate Education Policies
Course Subject Abbreviations
The following course subject abbreviations are used in the University Catalog, the Class Schedule, student study lists, academic planning guides, evaluation materials, and transcripts.
Abbreviation | Definition |
AAST | Asian American Studies |
ABUS | Agriculture Business |
ACCT | Accounting |
AFAM | African American Studies |
AFRI | African Studies |
AGED | Agriculture Education |
AGET | Agriculture Engineering Technology |
AGRI | Agriculture |
AIST | American Indian Studies |
ANSC | Animal Science |
ANTH | Anthropology |
ARAB | Arabic |
ARTE | Art Education |
ARTH | Art History |
ARTI | Interior Architecture |
ARTS | Art |
ASST | Asian Studies |
BADM | Business Administration |
BIOL | Biological Sciences |
BLAW | Business Law |
BLMC | Education-Bilingual/Multicultural |
BSIS | Business Information Systems |
CAGD | Computer Animation and Game Development |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CHLD | Child Development |
CHLX | Chicanx/Latinx Studies |
CHNS | Chinese |
CIMT | Concrete Industry Management |
CINS | Computer Information Systems |
CIVL | Civil Engineering |
CMGT | Construction Management |
CMPE | Computer Engineering |
CMSD | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
CMST | Communication Studies |
COMM | Communication |
CSCI | Computer Science |
ECON | Economics |
EDAD | Education Administration |
EDCI | Education-Curriculum and Instruction |
EDMA | Education-Master's Study |
EDSL | Education-Second Language |
EDTE | Education-Teacher Education |
EDUC | Education |
EECE | Electrical/Electronic Engineering |
EFLN | English as a Foreign Language |
ENGL | English |
ENVL | Environmental Literacy |
ESPE | Early Start Program English |
ESPM | Early Start Program Mathematics |
FINA | Finance |
FLNG | Foreign Languages and Literatures |
FREN | French |
GEOG | Geography |
GEOS | Geological and Environmental Sciences |
GERM | German |
GREK | Greek |
GRST | Graduate Studies |
HBRW | Hebrew |
HIST | History |
HNDI | Hindi |
HNRS | Honors |
HUMN | Humanities |
IDES | Interior Design |
IDST | Interdisciplinary Studies (Graduate Level) |
INED | International Education |
INST | International Studies |
INTB | International Business |
INTD | Interdisciplinary Studies (Undergraduate Level) |
ITAL | Italian |
JAPN | Japanese |
JOUR | Journalism |
KINE | Kinesiology |
LAST | Latin American Studies |
LATN | Latin |
LBST | Liberal Studies |
LDRS | Leadership Studies |
MADT | Media Arts, Design, and Technology |
MATH | Mathematics |
MCGS | Multicultural and Gender Studies |
MECA | Mechatronic Engineering |
MECH | Mechanical Engineering |
MEST | Middle Eastern Studies |
MGMT | Management |
MINS | Management Information Systems |
MJIS | Modern Jewish and Israel Studies |
MKTG | Marketing |
MTHE | Mathematics Education |
MUSC | Music |
NFSC | Nutrition and Food Science |
NSCI | Natural Sciences |
NSCT | Natural Science Education |
NURS | Nursing |
OSCM | Operations and Supply Chain Management |
PHHA | Public Health and Health Services Administration |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHYS | Physics |
POLS | Political Science |
PORT | Portuguese |
PSSC | Plant and Soil Science |
PSYC | Psychology |
RDGL | Education-Reading/Language Arts |
REAL | Real Estate |
RELS | Religious Studies |
RHPM | Recreation, Hospitality, and Parks Management |
RUSS | Russian |
SCED | Science Education |
SCMS | Supply Chain Management Systems |
SMFG | Sustainable Manufacturing |
SOCI | Sociology |
SOSC | Social Science |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPED | Education-Special Education |
SWAH | Swahili |
SWRK | Social Work |
TECH | Technology |
THAI | Thai |
THEA | Theatre Arts |
UNIV | University Academics |
WMST | Women's Studies |