Web Managers Guidelines
NOTE: University Catalogs are best viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and higher, Firefox 3.0 and higher, Google Chrome 1.0 and higher, and Safari.
Web managers and others who wish to link to chapters or pages in the catalog, see the important guidelines below.
To keep links to the University Catalog current (with the least amount of maintenance), we ask that everyone linking to the catalog from their own personal, program, college, or department Web pages use a “generic Web address.” That is, when linking to any information in the catalog, do not use the specific catalog year (07, 09, 11, etc).
Do not use: http://catalog.csuchico.edu/viewer/11/math/. This address includes the specific year format (in bold in the URL), which will become outdated.
Instead, use: http://catalog.csuchico.edu/viewer/math/ (inserting the appropriate program for your link in place of “math”). This format omits the catalog year in the URL and, thus, will always point to the most recent information. The URL used in this example (http://catalog.csuchico.edu/viewer/math) will always point to this page:

To link to a specific degree option or pattern follow this example: http://catalog.csuchico.edu/viewer/CHAPTER/PROGRAM_CODE.html#OPTION_CODE.
So, for the English BA Option in Literature the URL should read: http://catalog.csuchico.edu/viewer/ENGL/ENGLNONEUN.html#ENGLLITRBA. The URL (above) links directly to the Option in Literature of the Bachelor's in English degree program (below).

For information on the exact "Chapter," "Program," and "Option" codes to use in URL links, contact the Catalog Editor.
We use URL rewriting to point the url to where the information is really located for the current catalog, but the generic URL remains the same even as the information in the file is updated. By using the generic Web address, the link will always point to the most current catalog year, and it won’t be necessary to change your links each time a new catalog is published.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
University Catalog Editor
Academic Publications and Scheduling Services, 0720