BSIS 101
Windows, Word Processing, and Presentation Software
This course presents an overview of the Windows operating environment and a more in-depth look at Microsoft Word. In addition, Microsoft PowerPoint software is introduced. 1 hour discussion. Credit/no credit grading.
BSIS 102
Spreadsheets and Graphics
This course covers the development of complex spreadsheets, including the preparation of charts and graphs, using Microsoft Excel. 1 hour discussion. Credit/no credit grading.
BSIS 105
Introduction to Computers in Business
This course provides students with an introduction to what a business is and how one operates. The focus is on the global context of business. The course ensures that all freshmen possess introductory basic business survival skills such as computer literacy, information research competence, written, oral and electronic presentation skills, and team building skills. 3 hours lecture.
BSIS 301
Enterprise Technology Integration
Prerequisites: BSIS 105 or CSCI 101; MINS 235 (may be taken concurrently).
This course introduces students to the concept of information systems as the application of technical resources to support organizational processes. Given this foundation, students build an integrative, process-oriented understanding of information systems and their deployment, management, and use within distributed and global organizations. Projects focus on introductory enterprise systems, client-server database systems management, corporate data networking, and advanced Web programming. For this course students are expected to have demonstrated proficiency in the use of microcomputers and office automation software, including word processing, spreadsheets, and desktop databases. A proficiency exam is given during the first week of each semester, and students are encouraged to take this exam in advance of the semester they intend to enroll in the class. 3 hours lecture.
BSIS 420
Enterprise Resource Planning: Systems Configuration and Use
Prerequisites: MINS 301 or BSIS 444 or MINS 350 and SCMS 306 or MGMT 430 or MKTG 471.
This course focuses on setting up an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for use in a global organization. Students learn how to configure a large system to support a global organization with multiple companies. Concepts, issues, current trends, and decision making are addressed through a cross-functional view of the enterprise. Project management skills are enhanced as the students work in cross-functional teams in order to configure and use a multi-company ERP system. 3 hours lecture.
BSIS 444
Systems Project Management
Prerequisites: BSIS 301 or MINS 301.
Application of Project Management (PM) concepts and tools to systems projects. Students work in teams and apply PM concepts to projects and actual problems in organizations. 3 hours lecture. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
BSIS 496
Strategic Issues for Information Systems Professionals
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 or JOUR 130 (or equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher, ENGL 230 with a grade of C- or higher.
Concurrent enrollment in or prior completion of all other courses in upper-division core. A senior seminar with an emphasis on strategy and management of adoption, implementation, and use of information systems in business. An integrative course serving to organize the information learned from earlier information systems and business school courses. The class combines lectures, directed structured and semi-structured readings, case analysis, writing assignments, group work, and class discussion to provide an understanding of key and current information systems topics. Legal, ethical, environmental, and cultural issues related to selection and use of systems are addressed. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
BSIS 499
Special Problems
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
BSIS 602
Introduction to Enterprise Systems
This course introduces students to the concept of enterprise information systems and databases as the application of technical resources to support organizational processes. Projects focus on introductory enterprise systems, client-server database sytems management, and corporate data networking. 3 hours lecture.
BSIS 620
Strategic Information System Management
Prerequisites: BADM 610 or SCMS 607, Classified MBA student.
The analysis of the information requirements of an organization, including the strategic use of information systems, current information technology, future technology directions, the role of data base management systems and data communication systems in modern organizations, and the analysis and design of information systems. Uses SAP R/3. 3 hours seminar.
BSIS 625
Data Warehouse Systems
An examination and use of software products available to assist managers during decision-making. Application of several programs in the area of business intelligence including data warehousing, business analytics and strategic enterprise management. Course includes case studies requiring computer solution, professional report-writing, and development of conference-style presentations. 3 hours lecture.