ANTH 311
Survey of Forensic Science
A survey of the relationship between science and society by noting the history and nature of the role of the expert witness and the forensic scientist in aiding to resolve various legal issues. 3 hours lecture.
HCSV 319
Correctional Health
This course is also offered as
POLS 319.
Current status and future opportunities in health care for prisoners. Major health issues to be explored are addiction, sexuality, violence reduction, mental health, and health promotion. Special attention is given to incarcerated women, juveniles, elders, and the mentally ill. Issues in worksite health promotion for prison employees is also addressed. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 257
Juvenile Justice Process
This course provides an introduction to the juvenile justice system in the United States. Juvenile justice is a key component of the overall criminal justice system. The course highlights the activity in the main institutions of juvenile justice (the police, the courts, and corrections), examines past practice as well as concentrating on current policies, explores some of the reasons for treating juveniles differently from adults, and investigates future policy in juvenile justice. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 259
Chico Police Service Learning Practicum
This course examines criminal investigation techniques and includes a survey of a wide variety of topics in criminal investigation. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of education toward gaining employment and enhancing law enforcement careers. During the semester, students participate in a Chico community service learning project. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 319
Correctional Health
This course is also offered as
HCSV 319.
Current status and future opportunities in health care for prisoners. Major health issues to be explored are addiction, sexuality, violence reduction, mental health, and health promotion. Special attention is given to incarcerated women, juveniles, elders, and the mentally ill. Issues in worksite health promotion for prison employees is also addressed. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 352
Policing in America
Prerequisites: POLS 250.
This course examines the history, philosophy, evolution, and legal obligations of the police and the roles, functions, and policy issues associated with policing in a democratic society. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 353
Prerequisites: POLS 250.
This course surveys corrections in the United States, including the history, philosophy, and evolution of correctional systems; correctional institutions, community-based corrections, and correctional policy issues. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 354
Community Corrections
This course considers the historical development of probation and parole, addresses questions regarding how and why probation and parole have changed over time, and outlines how community corrections are influenced by the constraints of the criminal justice system and how it is affected by public perceptions of crime and criminals. Students assess the success and feasibility of community corrections given current resources and public sentiment. Finally, the course addresses the population of offenders that are on probation and parole, their likely backgrounds and futures. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 363
Crime Prevention
Prerequisite: POLS 250.
This course examines the situational, social, and legislative approaches to the prevention of crime and delinquency. The emphasis is on the theories of victimization and the extent to which victim demographics play a role in crime, and the implementation and consequences of various crime prevention policies and approaches and their differential effects on victims throughout various sectors of society. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 364
Restorative Justice
Prerequisite: POLS 250 (may be taken concurrently).
This course highlights the responsibilities and roles of all community members in accomplishing justice. In particular, it focuses on harms instead of crimes, the debt owed to victims and communities instead of to the state, and making the situation right through restoration and other methods instead of constructing deviancy. 3 hours lecture.
Justice System Administration - Capstone
This course introduces students to the theories and practices of justice, as well as the administration of justice. As a writing intensive course, students examine pertinent justice issues of local, national, or international significance, identify the theory (or theories) of justice relevant to the situation, and investigate how justice was (or was not) administered. 3 hours lecture.This is an approved Writing Intensive course. This is an approved General Education Capstone course.
POLS 426
Women and the Law
This course is also offered as
WMST 426.
In this class, students discuss how the criminal justice system and civil law affect women's lives and their experiences with the state. Students take a historical view on how women have made progress toward equality in the United States by using the legal system in a variety of ways and examine women's status as criminal justice professionals, victims, and perpetrators of crime and how the criminal justice system deals with women in these positions. 3 hours lecture.
Constitutional Law: Powers and Restraints
Analysis of judicial cases and related materials illustrating historical and current interpretations of constitutional problems such as the powers of the courts, congress, and President; and the balance of federal-state power in such areas as commerce and taxation. 3 hours lecture.
Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
This course is also offered as
MCGS 451B.
Analysis of judicial cases and related materials illustrating historical and current interpretations of constitutional problems such as racial discrimination, criminal procedures, and freedom of speech and religion. 3 hours lecture.
Criminal Procedure
Prerequisites: POLS 250.
The machinery of criminal justice in theory and practice; the significance of the rule of law and its exceptions in the actual administration of justice. This course will concentrate on the application of the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments to the U.S. Constitution in the administration of justice and the application of modern behavioral research as it applies to police and court administration. 3 hours discussion.
Police Administration and Management
This course introduces students to the organization of police departments and explores the history of policing and organizational theory. It further examines the role of the police executive as a public manager and as a leadership position. Topics for the course include departmental management, police operations, budgeting, discipline, promotion, external political factors, and public planning and research. By the end of the course, students should have a general knowledge of public organizations and specific knowledge about the operation and management of police departments. 3 hours lecture.
POLS 464
Administrative Law
Study of the role of administrative law in American government. Scope and implications of discretionary decision-making. 3 hours lecture.
Internship in Criminal Justice
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
Field work with criminal justice agencies in the areas of policing, courts, and corrections. Work supervised by the faculty internship coordinator and the staff of the internship office. Directed readings and writings may be assigned. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.