GE Pathway Minor in Global Development Studies
Pathway Coordinator: Sarah Anderson, ARTS 356.
When you graduate from CSU, Chico, you will enter an increasingly interdependent and competitive global marketplace in which people, ideas, and merchandise cross national borders at a rate unprecedented in human history. The Global Development Studies Pathway is for students who want to learn more about the people and issues of the developing world, where close to ninety percent of the earth's population resides. Courses explore the cultural expressions and histories of a vast range of societies and groups underrepresented in standard U.S. curricula, including much of Asia, Africa, the Islamic world, and Latin America. Students in this Pathway examine contemporary issues such as food production and food scarcity, economic inequality, the struggle for women's rights, ethnic and religious conflict, and nationalism. They also learn how people in developing countries have mobilized to confront the legacies of colonialism-including uneven development and environmental destruction-and establish and protect political and human rights. In short, this Pathway gives students the knowledge and the tools to engage the broader global community successfully and responsibly.
Course Requirements for the Minor: 18 units
To earn an interdisciplinary Pathway Minor in this field of study, candidates must complete nine lower-division units and nine upper-division units from the courses listed below.
Lower Division
Foundation Associations
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
GEOG 101W | Physical Geography (W) |
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3.0 | SMF | GE W |
Prerequisites: High school biology, chemistry, or physics is recommended. | |||||
GEOS 130 | Introduction to Environmental Science |
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3.0 | FS | GE |
Arts (C1)
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ARTH 150 | Survey of Arts of the Americas, Oceania, and Africa | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
HNRS 200CW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200DW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200DW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200EW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200DW. | |||||
MUSC 290 | Introduction to the World of Music | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
THEA 251 | World Theatre | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
Humanities (C2)
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ARAB 101A | Beginning Arabic I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
ARAB 102A | Beginning Arabic II | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: ARAB 101A. | |||||
ARAB 201 | Intermediate Arabic I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: ARAB 102A. | |||||
ARAB 202 | Intermediate Arabic II | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: ARAB 201. | |||||
CHNS 101A | Beginning Chinese I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
CHNS 102A | Beginning Chinese II | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: CHNS 101A. | |||||
CHNS 201 | Intermediate Chinese I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: CHNS 102A. | |||||
CHNS 202 | Intermediate Chinese II | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: CHNS 201. | |||||
CMSD 156 | Language and Culture of Deaf Americans | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
CMSD 256 | American Sign Language I | 3.0 | FA | GE | |
EFLN 170 | English as a Foreign Language | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Note: EFLN 170 is for international students for whom English is a foreign language.
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ENGL 258 | World Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
ENGL 258W | World Literature (W) | 3.0 | FS | GE GC W | |
FREN 101 | First-Semester French | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
FREN 102 | Second-Semester French | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: FREN 101 or equivalent. | |||||
FREN 201 | Third-Semester French | 4.0 | FA | GE | |
Prerequisite: FREN 102 or equivalent. | |||||
FREN 202 | Fourth-Semester French | 4.0 | SP | GE | |
Prerequisite: FREN 201 or equivalent. | |||||
GERM 101 | First-Semester German | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
GERM 102 | Second-Semester German | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: GERM 101 or equivalent. | |||||
GERM 201 | Third-Semester German | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: GERM 102 or equivalent. | |||||
GERM 202 | Fourth-Semester German | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: GERM 201 or equivalent. | |||||
GREK 101 | First-Semester Greek | 4.0 | INQ | GE | |
GREK 102 | Second-Semester Greek | 4.0 | INQ | GE | |
HBRW 101A | Beginning Hebrew I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
HBRW 102A | Beginning Hebrew II | 4.0 | SP | GE | |
HIST 261 | Islam and the World | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
MEST 261,
RELS 202. | |||||
HNRS 200CW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200DW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200DW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200EW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200DW. | |||||
HNRS 203W | Justice (W) | 3.0 | SP | GE W | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
HNRS 204 | Truth | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
ITAL 101 | First-Semester Italian | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
ITAL 102 | Second-Semester Italian | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: ITAL 101 or equivalent. | |||||
ITAL 201 | Third-Semester Italian | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: ITAL 102 or equivalent. | |||||
ITAL 202 | Fourth-Semester Italian | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: ITAL 201 or equivalent. | |||||
JAPN 101 | First-Semester Japanese | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
JAPN 102 | Second-Semester Japanese | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: JAPN 101 or faculty permission. | |||||
JAPN 201 | Third-Semester Japanese | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: JAPN 102 or faculty permission. | |||||
JAPN 202 | Fourth-Semester Japanese | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: JAPN 201 or faculty permission. | |||||
LAST 120 | Latin American Film and Culture | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
MEST 261 | Islam and the World | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
HIST 261,
RELS 202. | |||||
PORT 101A | Beginning Portuguese I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
PORT 102A | Beginning Portuguese II | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: PORT 101A. | |||||
RELS 202 | Islam and the World | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
HIST 261,
MEST 261. | |||||
RELS 212 | Religions of India | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
RUSS 101A | Beginning Russian I | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
RUSS 102A | Beginning Russian II | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: RUSS 101A. | |||||
RUSS 201 | Third Semester Russian | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: RUSS 102A or faculty permission. | |||||
RUSS 202 | Fourth Semester Russian | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: RUSS 201. | |||||
SPAN 101 | First-Semester Spanish | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 is not available for credit to students with two or more years of Spanish within the last three years. | |||||
SPAN 102 | Second-Semester Spanish | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or equivalent. | |||||
SPAN 201 | Third-Semester Spanish | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or equivalent. | |||||
SPAN 201N | Spanish for Spanish Speakers | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: Faculty permission. | |||||
SPAN 202 | Fourth-Semester Spanish | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or equivalent. | |||||
SPAN 202N | Spanish for Spanish Speakers | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: Faculty permission. |
Individual and Society (D1)
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AIST 261 | Peoples and Cultures of Native North America | 3.0 | FA | GE USD | |
This course is also offered as
ANTH 261. | |||||
ANTH 200 | Cultures of Asia | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
ASST 200. | |||||
ANTH 261 | Peoples and Cultures of Native North America | 3.0 | FA | GE USD | |
This course is also offered as
AIST 261. | |||||
ASST 200 | Cultures of Asia | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
ANTH 200. | |||||
HNRS 200CW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200DW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200DW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200EW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200DW. | |||||
HNRS 203W | Justice (W) | 3.0 | SP | GE W | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
HNRS 204 | Truth | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
POLS 102 | Politics of the Developing World | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
WMST 233 | Women Internationally | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
Societal Institutions (D2)
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ECON 102 | Principles of Macroeconomic Analysis | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
HIST 102 | World History since 1400 | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
HNRS 200CW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200DW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200DW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200EW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200DW. | |||||
HNRS 203W | Justice (W) | 3.0 | SP | GE W | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
HNRS 204 | Truth | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
LAST 110 | Introduction to Latin American Studies | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
Lifelong Learning (E)
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
CHLD 272 | Children in a Changing World | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
HNRS 200CW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200DW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200DW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200EW. | |||||
HNRS 200EW | Honors Survey of Civilization (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
Corequisites: HNRS 200CW, HNRS 200DW. | |||||
HNRS 203W | Justice (W) | 3.0 | SP | GE W | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
HNRS 204 | Truth | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. | |||||
INST 110 | Introduction to International Engagement | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
INST 110W | Introduction to International Engagement (W) | 3.0 | FS | GE W | |
RELS 264 | Dying, Death, and Afterlife | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
RELS 264W | Dying, Death, and Afterlife (W) | 3.0 | FS | GE GC W | |
Upper Division
Natural Sciences
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
HNRS 399W | Honors General Education Thesis (W) | 3.0 | FS | GE W | |
Prerequisites: Active status in the Honors Program, faculty permission. | |||||
NFSC 310 | Ecology of Human Nutrition |
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3.0 | FS | GE GC |
PSSC 390 | Food Forever: Comparisons of Sustainable Food Production Systems |
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3.0 | FA | GE GC |
PSSC 392 | World Food and Fiber Systems |
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3.0 | SP | GE GC |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ENGL 353 | Multicultural Literature: Issues and Themes | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
HIST 381 | Modern Latin America | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
HIST 382 | Modern Mexico | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
LAST 382. | |||||
HIST 382W | Modern Mexico (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
This course is also offered as
LAST 382W. | |||||
HNRS 399W | Honors General Education Thesis (W) | 3.0 | FS | GE W | |
Prerequisites: Active status in the Honors Program, faculty permission. | |||||
LAST 382 | Modern Mexico | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
HIST 382. | |||||
LAST 382W | Modern Mexico (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
This course is also offered as
HIST 382W. | |||||
RELS 332 | World Religions and Global Issues |
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3.0 | FS | GE GC |
Social Sciences
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ANTH 376W | Africa: Continuity and Change (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE GC W | |
ANTH 377 | Anthropology of the Islamic World | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
ANTH 377W | Anthropology of the Islamic World (W) | 3.0 | SP | GE GC W | |
GEOG 357 | Lands and Peoples of Latin America | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
LAST 357. | |||||
HNRS 310W | Agents of Change (W) | 3.0 | FA | GE W | |
Prerequisite: Active standing in Honors Program | |||||
HNRS 399W | Honors General Education Thesis (W) | 3.0 | FS | GE W | |
Prerequisites: Active status in the Honors Program, faculty permission. | |||||
LAST 357 | Lands and Peoples of Latin America | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
This course is also offered as
GEOG 357. | |||||
SOCI 354 | Global Perspectives on Ethnicity and Nationalism | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
SOCI 370 | Population and Migration |
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3.0 | FA | GE GC |