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Please see the section on Course Description Symbols and Terms in the University Catalog for an explanation of course description terminology and symbols, the course numbering system, and course credit units. All courses are lecture and discussion and employ letter grading unless otherwise stated. Some prerequisites may be waived with faculty permission. Many syllabi are available on the Chico Web.

Displaying 1 - 100 out of 135 results.

SUBJ NUM Title Sustainable Units Semester Offered Course Flags
Prerequisite: KINE 113F.
Prerequisite: KINE 113L.
Prerequisites: Ability to swim in deep water.
Prerequisites: KINE 125A or proof of entry level diving course from recognized organization, instructor permission, CPR & First Aid training.
Prerequisites: Must pass a swimming skills test during the first two meetings.
Prerequisites: Special permission required. Register directly with a supervising faculty member.
Prerequisite: KINE 123 recommended.
Prerequisites: KINE 121 recommended but not required.
Prerequisites: KINE 226 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: KINE 226 (may be taken concurrently).
Prerequisite: BIOL 103 or KINE 202.
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement; KINE majors and minors only.
Prerequisite: BIOL 103 or KINE 202 with a grade of C- or higher or faculty permission for non-majors.
Prerequisites: BIOL 104 with a grade of C- or higher or faculty permission for non-majors, basic computer literacy skills.
Prerequisite: KINE 323.
Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy skills.
Prerequisites: Basic computer skills or faculty permission.
This course is also offered as SOCI 346.
Prerequisites: First Aid and CPR or faculty permission; WSI recommended.
Prerequisite: KINE 224.
Prerequisites: Basic computer skills or faculty permission.
Prerequisite: KINE 323.
Prerequisite: KINE 323.
Prerequisites: Department permission.
Prerequisites: KINE 305S, KINE 309S.
Prerequisites: KINE 305S, KINE 309S, faculty permission.
Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy skills.
Prerequisite: KINE 460.
Prerequisites: KINE 226 and one of the following KINE 224, KINE 227, KINE 228 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: KINE 323.
Prerequisite: Bachelor's Degree in any discipline or KINE 323 or faculty permission.
Prerequisites: KINE 305S, KINE 308S, KINE 309S, KINE 410S, KINE 411S.
Prerequisites: BIOL 103 or KINE 202, KINE 323 (may be taken concurrently); or faculty permission.
Prerequisites: At least junior standing and faculty permission.
Prerequisites: KINE 470 or faculty permission.
Prerequisite: KINE 320W or faculty permission.
Catalog Cycle:20