The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Total Course Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree: 120 units
See "Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree" in the University Catalog for complete details on general degree requirements. A minimum of 40 units, including those required for the major, must be upper division.
A suggested Major Academic Plan (MAP) has been prepared to help students meet all graduation requirements within four years. Please request a plan from your major advisor.
General Education Requirements: 48 units
See General Education Requirements in the University Catalog and the Class Schedule for the most current information on General Education Requirements and course offerings.
Diversity Course Requirements: 6 units
See "Diversity Requirement" in the University Catalog. Most courses taken to satisfy these requirements may also apply to General Education Requirements.
U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals: 6 units
See "U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals" under "Bachelor's Degree Requirements". For this major, this requirement is normally fulfilled by completing HIST 130 and POLS 155 or approved equivalents.
For this major, HIST 130 may also be applied to General Education Breadth Area C1, C2, or C3, and POLS 155 may also be applied to General Education Breadth Area D1, D2, or D3.
Literacy Requirement:
See Math and Writing Requirements in the University Catalog. Writing proficiency in the major is a graduation requirement and may be demonstrated through satisfactory completion of a course in your major which has been designated as the Writing Proficiency (WP) course for the semester in which you take the course. Students who earn below a C- are required to repeat the course and earn a C- or higher to receive WP credit. See the Class Schedule for the designated WP courses for each semester. You must pass ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a C- or higher before you may register for a WP course.
Course Requirements for the Major: 83 units
Completion of the following courses, or their approved transfer equivalents, is required of all candidates for this degree. Additional required courses, depending upon the selected option or advising pattern, are outlined following the major core program requirements.
Major Core Program: 47 units
Lower-Division Core: 33 units
2 courses required:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AGRI 180 | The University Experience | 1.0 | FS | ||
MATH 105 | Statistics | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisites: Completion of ELM requirement. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
CHEM 107 | General Chemistry for Applied Sciences | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisites: Intermediate Algebra. | |||||
CHEM 111 | General Chemistry | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisites: Second-year high school algebra; one year high school chemistry. (One year of high school physics and one year of high school mathematics past Algebra II are recommended.) |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
CHEM 108 | Organic Chemistry for Applied Sciences | 4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 107 or CHEM 111 or equivalent. | |||||
CHEM 112 | General Chemistry | 4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 111 with a grade of C- or better. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ABUS 101 | Introduction to Agricultural Business and Economics | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
ABUS 261 | Farm Accounting | 3.0 | FS | ||
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AGET 120 | Introduction to Agricultural Mechanics | 3.0 | FA | ||
AGET 150 | Agricultural Machine Systems | 3.0 | FS | ||
Note: Students seeking a teaching credential in agriculture must complete both AGET 120 and AGET 150. The additional course counts toward elective units.
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ANSC 101 | Introduction to Animal Science | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
ANSC 230 | Animal Feeds and Nutrition | 3.0 | FS | ||
Note: Students seeking a teaching credential in agriculture must complete ANSC 101. ANSC or PSSC 101 is a required prerequisite for AGRI 305.
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
PSSC 101 | Introduction to Plant Science | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
PSSC 250 | Introduction to Soil Science | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: CHEM 107 or CHEM 111. |
Note: Students selecting the Option in Crops, Horticulture, and Land Resource Management must complete both PSSC 101 and PSSC 250. The additional course counts toward elective units. ANSC 101 or PSSC 101 is a required prerequisite for AGRI 305.
9 units selected from:
Any combination of lower division courses in Agriculture (AGRI), Agricultural Engineering Technology (AGET), Animal Science (ANSC), Plant Science (PSSC), and Agricultural Business (ABUS). All courses must be approved by your advisor.
Upper-Division Core: 14 units
4 courses required:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AGRI 305 | Agricultural Genetics and Biotechnology | 4.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ANSC 101 or PSSC 101; CHEM 107 or CHEM 111. | |||||
AGRI 331 | Agricultural Ecology |
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3.0 | FS | |
Prerequisites: Completion of lower-division core or faculty permission. | |||||
AGRI 482 | Agricultural Issues | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher. | |||||
AGRI 490 | Agricultural Experimental Research | 4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: AGRI 331. |
Major Option Course Requirements: 36 units
The following courses, or their approved transfer equivalents, are required dependent upon the option chosen. Students must select one of the following options for completion of the major course requirements.
The Option in Agricultural Science and Education: 36 units
This option prepares students for careers in the broad field of agriculture or for careers in teaching at the secondary level. The option prepares students for diverse careers in agricultural production where the integration of animal, plant, and agri-business knowledge and skills is required.
36 units selected from:
Select courses from the prefixes: AGRI, AGET, ABUS, ANSC, and PSSC with the advanced approval of your advisor. A maximum of 12 lower division units are allowed. Students are strongly encouraged to gain practical skills and knowledge through an approved internship or directed work experience. Courses must be selected based on the career goals of the student and should have a recognizable theme such as agricultural education, sustainability, resource management, environmental horticulture*, agricultural communications, or agricultural mechanization*. *12 units in these areas may be transferred from a community college.
Teaching Credentials for Agriculture
There are two credentials available for students who wish to pursue a career as an agricultural education teacher in California: the Single Subject Teaching Credential and the Agriculture Specialist Instruction Credential. The Single Subject Teaching Credential in Agriculture authorizes the holder to teach in the classroom. Candidates who fulfill the requirements for the Agriculture Specialist Instruction Credential are prepared to teach in out-of-classroom settings such as serving as an FFA advisor and Supervised Agricultural Experience Program supervisor.
The Single Subject Teaching Credential in Agriculture includes two components; a Subject Matter Preparation program and a Professional Education program. Students can complete the Subject Matter Preparation program by completing the Option in Agricultural Science and Education. Students completing another option or major in agriculture should consult the agricultural credential advisor to identify additional course requirements. Candidates may also demonstrate subject matter competence by successfully passing the appropriate California Subject examinations for Teachers (CSET). The subject matter preparation advisor is responsible for verifying that subject matter preparation has been completed.
The Professional Preparation component of the Single Subject Teaching Credential includes professional education courses and a student teaching experience. This portion of the credential program is administered by the Department of Education within the School of Education. For prerequisites and other admission requirements for professional education programs, see the "Education" chapter of this catalog and the Focus on Teaching.
You may want to consider adding the following courses to your undergraduate program: EDUC 302, EDTE 530, EDTE 531, ENGL 471, and HCSV 451. All of these courses are prerequisites for the credential program.
All credential candidates recommended by CSU, Chico are authorized to teach all students, including English language learners, in the regular classroom. You may also want to qualify for the BCLAD (Bilingual, Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development) emphasis if you have skills in Spanish language and culture.
The requirements for the Agriculture Specialist Instruction Credential include a series of agricultural education courses (listed below), occupational experience, and a student teaching experience. Student teaching is combined with the student teaching experience required for the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Agriculture.
If you are interested in obtaining your credentials, confer with the appropriate credential advisor(s) early in your university career. Credential advisors can assist you in planning an educational program that will prepare you for both the BS in Agriculture and the teaching credential requirements. Students pursuing this career objective should also complete the single subject program pre-requisite courses and pass the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST).
Agricultural Education Courses
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AGRI 201 | Introduction to Agricultural Education | 3.0 | FA | ||
AGRI 210 | Directed Field Experience Agricultural Education | 2.0 | FA | ||
AGRI 321 | Program Development in Agriculture Education | 2.0 | SP | ||
AGRI 420 | Techniques in Vocational Agricultural Instruction | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: AGRI 201 or faculty permission. | |||||
AGRI 421 | Curriculum and Methods in Teaching Agricultural Mechanics | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: AGET 120, AGET 150 or equivalent. | |||||
AGRI 422 | Curriculum and Methods in Teaching Horticulture | 3.0 | S1 | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 101 or equivalent. |
Subject matter competency may be obtained by completing courses in the areas of:
Agricultural Business: 9 units
Agricultural Mechanics: 8 units.
Animal Science: 8 units
Plant Science: 8 units
Natural Resources: 3 units
Plus 9 units of additional courses in one of the above areas (a specialization). This credential requirement may be met using course in the major and in the option.
Students are strongly encouraged to gain practical skills and knowledge through an approved internship or directed work experience in areas where additional experience is needed to become a successful agricultural teacher. With the approval of your advisor single subject credential program pre-requisite courses may be used as electives in this option.
Agricultural Communications
Students wishing to pursue a career in agricultural communications are encouraged to take the following courses as part of their option electives. Agricultural communications prepares students to enter the field by blending agriculture, journalism, and communication studies.
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
CMST 131 | Speech Communication Fundamentals | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
CMST 330 | Introduction to Communication Studies | 3.0 | FS | ||
JOUR 244 | Introduction to Public Relations | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; concurrent enrollment in or prior completion of JOUR 260 for Journalism majors. This course is also offered as POLS 244. | |||||
JOUR 255 | Introduction to Online Journalism | 3.0 | FS | ||
JOUR 260 | Writing for Mass Media | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 130. | |||||
JOUR 341 | Writing For Public Relations | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher, JOUR 244, JOUR 260. |
The Option in Crops, Horticulture, and Land Resource Management: 36 units
This option prepares students to manage agricultural enterprises for the production of plant crops for human and animal consumption, for the protection of these crops and resources against pests (insects, diseases, weeds, vertebrates), and for the stewardship of their natural resources (soil, water, air, and biota). The option emphasizes sustainable land use and crop production practices. Career opportunities may be found in the agricultural production industry, in agricultural research, and in agricultural consulting, assistance, and regulation.
Option Core: 12 units
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
PSSC 356 | Soil Quality and Health |
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3.0 | S2 | |
Prerequisites: PSSC 250 or instructor permission. | |||||
PSSC 453 | Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition | 3.0 | F2 | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 250. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
BIOL 414 | Plant Physiology | 4.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: BIOL 108 or BIOL 153; CHEM 108 or CHEM 270; or faculty permission. | |||||
BIOL 448 | Plant Diversity and Identification | 4.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: BIOL 152 or faculty permission. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ABUS 231 | Computer Applications in Agriculture | 3.0 | FS | ||
ABUS 321 | Agribusiness Management | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ABUS 101 or equivalent. | |||||
ABUS 464 | Farm and Ranch Appraisal | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: ABUS 101. | |||||
AGRI 432 | Holistic Management |
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3.0 | F2 | |
Prerequisites: AGRI 331 or faculty permission. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
PSSC 309A | Directed Work in Field and Row Crops | 2.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisite: AGET 150 or faculty permission. | |||||
PSSC 309B | Directed Work in Field and Row Crops | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 309A and AGET 150 or faculty permission. | |||||
PSSC 310A | Directed Work in Orchard Crops | 2.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 101. | |||||
PSSC 310B | Directed Work in Orchard Crops | 2.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 101. | |||||
PSSC 312 | Directed Work in Greenhouse Production | 2.0 | FS | ||
PSSC 389 | Internship in Plant and Soil Science | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Junior standing, faculty permission. |
PSSC 389 must be taken for 2 units.
Area of Study: 24 units
The following courses, or their approved transfer equivalents, are required depending on the area of study chosen. Students must select one of the following areas of study for completion of the major course requirements. Courses must be approved in advance by the academic advisor.
Crops and Horticulture Area of Study: 24 units
1 course required:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
PSSC 353 | Plant Protection Materials and Methods |
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3.0 | FA | |
Prerequisites: CHEM 107 or CHEM 111; PSSC 250. |
Crop Production
2 courses selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AGET 360 | Irrigation |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: PSSC 101 or PSSC 250 or faculty permission. | |||||
PSSC 274 | Greenhouse Management | 3.0 | FA | ||
PSSC 361 | Production of Annual Crops | 3.0 | FA | ||
PSSC 366 | Fruit and Nut Production | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing. |
Agricultural Pests and Control
2 courses selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
PSSC 342 | Plant Pathology | 3.0 | F2 | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 101. |
Note: Students may substitute BIOL 446, Plant Pathology, for PSSC 342.
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
PSSC 340 | Economic Entomology | 3.0 | FA | ||
PSSC 343 | Introduction to Weed Science | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: AGRI 331. | |||||
PSSC 441 | Principles of Integrated Pest Management |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: AGRI 331; PSSC 340 or PSSC 342 or PSSC 343. |
8-9 units selected from:
To fulfill the requirements of this option, select additional courses from the option core and this area of study.
Land Resource Management Area of Study: 24 units
3 courses required:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
BIOL 350 | Fundamentals of Ecology |
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3.0 | FS | GW |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; BIOL 152 or faculty permission. | |||||
PSSC 334 | Wetland and Riparian Resources and Management |
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3.0 | F1 | |
Prerequisites: Completion of lower-division core or faculty permission. | |||||
PSSC 451 | Soil Genesis and Classification | 3.0 | F1 | ||
Prerequisites: PSSC 250 or faculty permission. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
AGET 340 | GPS & GIS in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management |
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3.0 | FA | |
GEOG 219 | Introduction to Geographic Methods | 3.0 | FS | ||
GEOG 319 | Introduction to Geographical Information Systems | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: GEOG 219 or equivalent. |
1 course selected from:
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
GEOG 342 | Geomorphology | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: GEOG 101 or GEOS 102 or equivalents, or faculty permission. | |||||
GEOS 325 | Geology of California | 3.0 | F2 | ||
Prerequisites: GEOS 101 or GEOS 102 or consent of instructor. |
9 units selected from:
To fulfill the requirements of this option, select additional courses from the option core and this area of study. Note: AGRI 305 may be substituted for an approved elective in this area of study.
Electives Requirement:
To complete the total units required for the bachelor's degree, select additional elective courses from the total University offerings. You should consult with an advisor regarding the selection of courses which will provide breadth to your University experience and possibly apply to a supportive second major or minor.
Students may double count only one approved upper-division General Education theme course with a required option elective.
Grading Requirement:
All courses taken to fulfill major course requirements must be taken for a letter grade except those courses specified by the department as Credit/No Credit grading only.
Advising Requirement:
Advising is mandatory for all majors in this degree program. Consult your undergraduate advisor for specific information.
A sample program for students who wish to complete their major in four years is available in the Office of the College of Agriculture, CSU, Chico, CA 95929.
Honors in the Major:
Honors in the Major is a program of independent work in your major. It requires 6 units of honors course work completed over two semesters.
The Honors in the Major program allows you to work closely with a faculty mentor in your area of interest on an original performance or research project. This year-long collaboration allows you to work in your field at a professional level and culminates in a public presentation of your work. Students sometimes take their projects beyond the University for submission in professional journals, presentation at conferences, or academic competition. Such experience is valuable for graduate school and professional life. Your honors work will be recognized at your graduation, on your permanent transcripts, and on your diploma. It is often accompanied by letters of commendation from your mentor in the department or the department chair.
Some common features of Honors in the Major program are:
- You must take 6 units of Honors in the Major course work. All 6 units are honors classes (marked by a suffix of H), and at least 3 of these units are independent study (399H, 499H, 599H) as specified by your department. You must complete each class with a minimum grade of B.
- You must have completed 9 units of upper-division course work or 21 overall units in your major before you can be admitted to Honors in the Major. Check the requirements for your major carefully, as there may be specific courses that must be included in these units.
- Your cumulative GPA should be at least 3.5 or within the top 5% of majors in your department.
- Your GPA in your major should be at least 3.5 or within the top 5% of majors in your department.
- Most students apply for or are invited to participate in Honors in the Major during the second semester of their junior year. Then they complete the 6 units of course work over the two semesters of their senior year.
- Your honors work culminates with a public presentation of your honors project.
While Honors in the Major is part of the Honors Program, each department administers its own program. Please contact your major department or major advisor to apply.