Students have access to computer writing and information technology labs, a fully equipped speech and debate squad room, audio and video production and editing facilities, digital photograph facilities, digital imaging labs, print/graphic design facilities, color television studios, a print technology laboratory, and the services of Academic Technologies.
Intern programs are transitions between school and work. The programs provide students with academic credit while pursuing on-the-job experiences. Internship assignments are available throughout California, the U.S., and around the world.
Communication Activities
Communication houses a number of student-operated programs, including The Orion (a weekly student newspaper), the nationally recognized Speech and Debate Team, Tehama Group Communications (a student-managed public relations agency), Milk Crate Productions (a student video production company), and numerous student clubs and organizations.
Career Outlook
The field of communication is dynamic and expanding. It is energized by the continual and rapid development of digital communication and the growing industrial, business, government, and personal use of these technologies.
The BA in Communication Design provides opportunities for positions in media design, production, and network systems. The Graphic Design Option provides a liberal arts degree that focuses on skills in commercial art, corporate communication, and advertising and environmental design. Mass Communication Design majors have opportunities in many media industries and agencies, network design, multimedia, and web design. Graduates from the Media Arts Option work in all forms of electronic media which include television, radio, digital production, and post production. Many graduates go on to careers in scriptwriting, producing, and directing. The Department offers a broad array of facilities, including high definition television.
Graduates of the BS in Instructional Design and Technology find careers in government, industry, and military organizations in the field of human performance technology and training development. As designers and developers of training materials and systems they apply communication technology to E-learning and other distance formats, interactive multimedia, computer based instruction, as well as traditional media for education and training.
The BA and MA in Communication Studies offer humanistic and social science approaches leading to a wide range of employment options, including sales, education, research, management, consulting, and human services.
With a BA in Journalism, Public Relations Option graduates work in corporate, travel, entertainment, government, and non-profit settings. News-editorial Option graduates work with organizations such as newspapers, magazines, and new technology businesses.