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- The Bachelor of Arts in English
- The Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- The Minor in Creative Writing
- The Minor in English
- The Minor in Linguistics
- The Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing
- The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- The Single Subject Matter Preparation Program in English
- The Master of Arts in English
- The Certificate in Teaching College-Level Writing
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- Course Offerings
Please see the section on Course Description Symbols and Terms in the University Catalog for an explanation of course description terminology and symbols, the course numbering system, and course credit units. All courses are lecture and discussion and employ letter grading unless otherwise stated. Some prerequisites may be waived with faculty permission. Many syllabi are available on the Chico Web.
English Course Offerings
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ENGL 030 | Writing Workshop | 1.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: EPT Score: 146 or lower. Corequisite: ENGL 130.
The Writing Workshop is a series of small-group activities focused on understanding and strengthening writing processes. Workshop topics include literacy practices, writing tools, and portfolio preparation. 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 2.0 units. This course is designated remedial and does not count as credit toward the bachelor's degree, although the units may be applied to financial aid minimum requirements.
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ENGL 030E | Writing Workshop - ESL | 1.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: EPT score of 146 or lower. Corequisite: ENGL 130E.
A special section of Writing Workshop open only to students with English as a Second Language. Interested students should consult with International Evaluations. 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 2.0 units. This course is designated remedial and does not count as credit toward the bachelor's degree, although the units may be applied to financial aid minimum requirements.
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ENGL 130 | Academic Writing | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisites: English Placement Test.
Instruction and practice in writing university-level expository prose. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 130E | Academic Writing - ESL | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: English Placement Test.
A special section of Academic Writing open only to students with English as a Second Language. Interested students should consult with International Evaluations. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 130H | Academic Writing Honors | 3.0 | FA | GE | |
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Honors Program.
As an introductory writing requirement for Honors students, this course is designed to help students sharpen their skills in thinking and writing and to practice and so enhance the connection between the two. 3 hours seminar. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 130P | Academic Writing | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
Prerequisite: English Placement Test.
Instruction and practice in writing university-level prose. Instruction and practice in writing university-level expository prose. 2 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 198 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 203 | Shakespeare on Film | 3.0 | INQ | GE | |
Through examining the texts and film interpretations of Shakespeare plays, students in this course develop a deeper understanding of both Shakespearean drama and the language of film. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 220 | Beginning Creative Writing | 4.0 | FS | GE | |
Workshop for beginning writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 230 | Introduction to Technical Writing | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 130.
A study of technical writing and presentation skills in business and scientific environments, including audience analyses, writing processes, genres of technical and business discourse, visual communication, collaboration, professional responsibility, clear and correct expression. Students write and revise several documents and give oral reports. 3 hours discussion.
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ENGL 240 | Introduction to Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
An introduction to the study of literature, including short stories, novels, plays, and poems. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 251 | African American Literature | 3.0 | FA | GE USD | |
This course is also offered as
AFAM 251.
Introduction to African American literature, using a range of materials from past and present that may include slave and neo-slave narratives, oratory and sermons, poems, plays, and novels, songs and spirituals. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 251H | African-American Literature - Honors | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Honors in General Education Program.
Introduction to African American literature, using a range of materials from past and present that may include slave and neo-slave narratives, oratory and sermons, poems, plays, and novels, songs and spirituals. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 252 | American Indian Literature |
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3.0 | FS | GE USD |
This course is also offered as
AIST 252.
Study of the oral and written literature of the American Indian and of related historical and critical materials. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 252H | American Indian Literature - Honors |
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3.0 | INQ | GE USD |
Prerequisites: Acceptance into Honors in General Education.
An introduction to American Indian literature. The course explores multiple genres, including fiction, poetry, autobiography, and oral texts. The course covers works of Indian literature from pre-contact oral traditions through contemporary American Indian writers. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 253 | Asian American Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
This course is also offered as
AAST 253.
An introduction to various traditions and issues of the Asian American experience in literature. The course explores both early and contemporary novels, poems, and plays by writers of different genders, ethnicities, and cultures. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 254 | Chicano/Latino/a Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
Survey of Chicano/Latino literature and of related historical and critical materials. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 258 | World Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
Study of non-Western literature from a variety of cultures, with European materials included for comparison. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ENGL 260 | Great Books | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
The study of novels, poetry, and drama selected from the world's great literature. Historical, thematic, and formal approaches shape the analysis of these works. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 264 | American Ethnic and Regional Writers | 3.0 | FA | GE USD | |
This course is also offered as
AMST 264.
An interdisciplinary study of the culture and literature oral and written of an American ethnic group or groups, with emphasis on ties to particular regions and traditions. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 276 | Survey of British Literature I | 3.0 | FS | ||
A survey of British literature from Beowulf to mid-1700s. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 277 | Survey of British Literature II | 3.0 | FS | ||
A survey of British literature from mid-1700s to the twentieth century. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 278 | Survey of American Literature I | 3.0 | FS | ||
A survey of American literature from its beginnings to the 1850s. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 279 | Survey of American Literature II | 3.0 | FS | ||
A survey of American literature from the 1850s to 1945. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 301 | Introduction to Film | 3.0 | FA | ||
Introduction to film as a narrative art form, with emphasis on key works and major directors from various periods of international and American film history and on major critical and theoretical concepts. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ENGL 303 | Survey of American Film | 3.0 | SP | ||
Study and criticism of selected American films, with emphasis on their literary sources, their illustration of various literary conventions, and their use of language. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ENGL 315 | Introduction to Literary Editing and Publishing in America | 4.0 | SP | ||
History of publishing in America, acquisition of basic editorial skills, and study of the editing and publishing process. Class publishes authors' chapbooks. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity.
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ENGL 316H | Crossing Boundaries: Gender and Modernization | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
Prerequisites: Junior status at the end of semester in which course is taken and current enrollment in the Honors Program. This course is also offered as GEOG 316H.
An overview of contemporary human geography and some aspects of women's studies, emphasizing the importance of space, movement, place, environment, and family. Primary texts such as novels, memoirs, and films will be used to explore the perspectives of a variety of culture groups. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 320 | Poetry Writing | 4.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 220 for English Educ students only.
Instruction in the writing of poetry at an intermediate level. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 321 | Fiction Writing | 4.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 220 for English Educ students only.
Instruction in the writing of fiction at an intermediate level. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 327 | Creative Nonfiction | 4.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 220 for English Educ students only.
Instruction in the writing of fact-based prose (i.e., nonfiction) that acknowledges the presence and creative imagination of the writer at an intermediate level. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 332 | Introduction to Literacy Studies | 3.0 | FS | ||
An introduction to the study of public and scholarly literacy, and its applications in economic systems, schooling, religion, and technology. Required of English majors by the end of the junior year in preparation for upper-division work in English. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 333 | Advanced Composition for Future Teachers | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 375 recommended.
Advanced practice in writing and in using writing in the classroom for single- and multiple-subject credential candidates. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 335 | Rhetoric and Writing | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher.
Practice in writing and revising prose that informs and persuades effectively, based on a study of classical and modern rhetorical principles. Open to all students; required of all English majors, including credential candidates, who should take it by the end of their junior year in preparation for upper-division course work in English. 3 hours discussion. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 338 | Environmental Rhetoric |
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3.0 | FA | GE |
Prerequisite: Engl 130, ENGL 335 recommended.
Through a variety of readings, documentary films, discussions, lectures and writing activities, students will learn about current arguments about the environment and, specifically, contemporary discourse on global climate change, sustainability, environmental activism, and social movements. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 340 | Approaches to Literary Genres | 3.0 | FS | ||
The course focuses on developing analytical approaches to literary genres, primarily short stories, novels, poems, and plays. Required of English majors by end of junior year in preparation for upper-division course work in English. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 341 | Reading Literature for Future Teachers | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 333 strongly recommended.
Basic concepts involved in the study of literature, interpretation and criticism of literary works, and suggestions for helping others understand and appreciate literature. Required of multiple-subject credential candidates. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 342 | Literature of the Child | 3.0 | FA | GE | |
A study of the many ways in which the child and childhood are dealt with in literary works. Texts for study will be drawn from Western and non-Western works including memoir, fiction, poetry, film, autobiography, books for children and for young adults, essays, and plays. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 353 | Multicultural Literature: Issues and Themes | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
An intensive survey of major issues and themes in non-Western literature. Students examine the interconnections between works of Western cultures and works from the literatures of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 354 | Classical Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
An introduction to the literature of ancient Greece and Rome. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 355 | The Bible as Literature | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Study of the literary types and qualities of the English Bible and their impact upon British and American literature and language. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 360 | Women Writers | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
This course is also offered as
WMST 360.
An exploration of the thematic and stylistic elements of literature by women. Readings include autobiography, diary, journal, short story, novel, drama, poetry, and criticism by women from different cultures and periods. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course.
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ENGL 365 | Food and Literature | 3.0 | FS | GE USD | |
Offers a better understanding of how literature illustrates and mediates the relationships between food and culture, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic classes, and religion. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 366 | Modernism | 3.0 | FS | ||
An intensive survey of major modernist movements as reflected in key examples of fiction, poetry, drama and film in the history of modern culture. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 371 | Principles of Language | 3.0 | FS | ||
An introduction to linguistics. Topics include language acquisition, language structure, language variation, and languages of the world. This course is required for CLAD and BCLAD credentials as well as credential programs beginning in the fall of 2003 under SB 2042 standards. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 372 | Pedagogical Grammar | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371.
This course emphasizes both the grammatical content needed to teach non-native speakers and various integrated approaches to teaching grammar. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 374 | Language of the World (LOW): Contact, Convergence, and Loss |
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3.0 | FS | USD |
An introductory survey of the world's languages, examining contact, convergence, and loss. Attention will be paid to ongoing efforts to preserve this linguistic legacy through revitalization and documentation programs, and the role of language in the construction of ethnicity, with particular attention paid to linguistic diversity in the United States. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ENGL 375 | Introduction to English Grammar | 3.0 | FS | ||
An introduction to the descriptive grammar of English. Students learn to use basic syntactic terms to analyze spoken and written English, distinguishing between descriptive and prescriptive grammar. Required of English majors by the end of the junior year in preparation for upper-division course work in English. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 398 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 1 hour lecture.
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ENGL 399 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ENGL 401 | Themes in American Film | 3.0 | FA | ||
A study of modern themes in selected American films. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ENGL 403 | Modernism in Film | 3.0 | FS | ||
A chronological study of film movements, e.g., science fiction, futurism, and film noir, as they influence and respond to Modernist movements, e.g., Freudianism, Darwinism, and Existentialism. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ENGL 415 | Editing Literary Magazines | 4.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 220 (may be taken concurrently), ENGL 315, or faculty permission.
Study of and workshop in the editing of literary magazines, manuscripts, and other literary materials. Practice in selection, evaluation, copy editing, and production. Class publishes Watershed literary magazine. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity.
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ENGL 416 | Editing Manuscripts for Publication | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 335 or ENGL 375 (may be taken concurrently) or faculty permission.
Lecture/discussion with practical application in copyediting manuscripts for publication. Students copyedit manuscripts for magazines and book publishers. 3 hours discussion.
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ENGL 419 | Chapbook Production | 4.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 415 or two 400-level courses from the Minor in Creative Writing, or ENGL 620, or ENGL 622, or instructor permission.
This course involves students in the process of chapbook production, from advertising, solicitation, judging and selecting manuscripts, through the stages of book production as they work with Flume Press at CSU, Chico. Students learn to perform the duties of editorial assistants at a small book publisher. The resulting chapbook is published by Flume Press. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units.
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ENGL 420 | Advanced Poetry Writing | 4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 320 or instructor permission.
Instruction in the writing of poetry at an advanced level. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units.
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ENGL 421 | Advanced Fiction and Nonfiction Writing | 4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 321 or 327.
Instruction in the writing of fiction and/or creative nonfiction at an advanced level. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units.
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ENGL 431 | Theory and Practice in Tutoring Composition | 4.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 333 and ENGL 335 are strongly recommended.
Training and experience in the tutoring of students in composition. With permission of instructor, course may be repeated once for credit, but credit will not count toward major. 3 hours seminar, 3 hours laboratory. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units.
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ENGL 440 | Chaucer and His Age | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
Study of the Canterbury Tales and other works by the major poet of the English Middle Ages. The study of Middle English and of medieval society, its values and beliefs as mirrored in Chaucer's works. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 441 | Shakespeare | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
An introduction to Shakespeare's principal plays, his art, his age, and his critics; designed especially for English majors. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 442 | Milton and His Age | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher; ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
A study of Paradise Lost and other works of Milton in the context of the English Revolution. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 445 | Early British Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
Study of British art and culture as revealed in its literature, such as battle poems, morality plays, and Arthurian romances. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 446 | British Renaissance Literature: | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
A study of the literature and culture of Tudor England, emphasizing the prose and poetry of such figures as More, Skelton, Wyatt, Sidney, Spenser and Marlowe. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 447 | Seventeenth-Century Literature | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
A study of the literature and culture of seventeenth-century England, emphasizing the drama, poetry, and prose of such authors as Webster, Jonson, Herrick, Donne, Herbert, Taylor, Bunyan, and Milton. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 448 | The Long Eighteenth Century |
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3.0 | INQ | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
The literature and intellectual currents of Restoration and eighteenth-century Britain, including works by such authors as Dryden, Addison, Steele, Pope, Swift, Hume, Sterne, Goldsmith, and Johnson. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 449 | The Romantic Period | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
A study of the literary and intellectual currents of the Romantic period, including major essayists and critics, and the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 450 | The Victorian Period | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
The poetry and prose of Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Hopkins, and others. Attention to important essayists and critics and to the significance of the Victorian scene for our times. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 451 | Modern Poetry | 3.0 | FS | ||
Study of twentieth-century British, American, Continental, and Latin American poetry. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 452 | Development of British Drama | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
The development of British drama from its beginnings to the nineteenth century. Specific topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 453 | Modern Drama | 3.0 | FS | ||
British, Continental, and American drama from Ibsen to the present. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 454 | Comparative Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
Comparative study of major genres, themes, and literary figures in literature. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 455 | The 18th-Century British Novel | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
A study of eighteenth-century and Romantic-period novels, including such authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Burney, Austen, and Scott. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 456 | The 19th-Century British Novel | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
A study of Victorian novels, including such authors as Thackeray, the Brontes, Dickens, Gaskell, Eliot, Trollope, and Hardy. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 457 | The American Novel | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 278, ENGL 340.
A critical and historical study of the American novel from its beginnings through the nineteenth century; Cooper, Melville, Hawthorne, Twain, James, and others. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 458 | American Literature: Beginning to 1850s | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 278, ENGL 340.
An in-depth study of major themes, authors, and works from the beginnings of American literature through Romanticism. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 459 | American Literature: 1850s-1945 | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 279, ENGL 340.
An in-depth study of major themes, authors, and works from Realism through Modernism. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 460 | American Literature: 1945-Present | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 279, ENGL 340.
An in-depth study of themes, authors, and works from World War II to the present. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 461 | The Modern Novel | 3.0 | FS | ||
British, American, Continental, and Latin American novels in the twentieth century. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 462 | Studies in Major American Authors | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 340; ENGL 278 or ENGL 279.
An intensive study of major authors in American literature. Authors vary by semester. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 463 | American Multicultural Literature | 3.0 | INQ | ||
This course is also offered as
MCGS 463.
A study of American ethnic and multicultural literature, popular culture, and critical theory. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 464 | World Literature Written in English | 3.0 | INQ | ||
The study of modern world literature written English. Works may vary from semester to semester and focus on one region or culture (such as India, Africa, or the Caribbean), or several regions or cultures. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 465 | American Literary Topics | 3.0 | FS | ||
Seminar examination of writers and themes in American literature. Topics vary by semester. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 466 | British Literary Topics | 3.0 | FS | ||
Seminar examination of writers or themes in British literature. Topics vary by semester. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 467 | Teaching Multicultural Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
An examination of multicultural literature with particular attention paid to the teaching of multicultural literature in the secondary and post-secondary classroom. This course is required for the single subject credential in English. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 468 | 20th-Century and Contemporary British Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
Study of 20th-Century and contemporary poetry, fiction, drama, and essays from British, Irish, and postcolonial authors. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 469 | 20th-Century and Contemporary British Novel | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: ENGL 276, ENGL 340.
Study of 20th-Century and contemporary British and Irish novels, including such authors as Woolf, Conrad, Joyce, Greene, Lessing, Beckett, and Rushdie. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 470 | Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371.
Introduction to major issues in second language acquisition and teaching. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 471 | Intensive Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition | 3.0 | FS | ||
An intensive introduction to the theory and practice of second language acquisition and teaching. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 473 | Historical Linguistics | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371.
Methods of investigating and reconstructing the history of languages (including those for which no significant earlier written record exists). Examining and evaluating the linguistic evidence for its insights into the earlier culture, migration patterns, and linguistic contacts of the speakers. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 474 | Syntactic and Morphological Analysis | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371, ENGL 375.
Study of syntax and morphology, focusing on similarities and differences among languages from the viewpoint of both form and function. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 475 | History of the English Language | 3.0 | FS | ||
The development of the English language from its earliest origins to the present. Fundamental rules of language change in syntax, morphology, and phonology, with application to examples from Old, Middle, Early Modern, and contemporary English. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 476 | Phonological Analysis | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 (or its equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher, ENGL 371.
Study of world's sound systems as well as the relevant phonetics and morphology with an emphasis on English and second language acquisition. 3 hours seminar. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ENGL 477 | Semantics: Language and Meaning | 3.0 | FA | ||
A comprehensive exploration of semantics, including theories of meaning, relationship between semantics and conceptual structure, semantics and cognition in language acquisition, and the relationship between meaning and use. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 478 | Linguistic Approaches to Reading | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371.
An examination of recent psycholinguistic theory and research in the field of reading as a language process, with practical experience in reading instruction. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 479 | Gender and Language in Cross-Cultural Perspectives | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371 or WMST 200. This course is also offered as MCGS 479.
This course explores recent theories and applications associated with the relationships among language, gender, and sexuality. The course includes a focus on the intersection of linguistic gender with class and ethnicity by drawing on research in linguistic anthropology and sociolinguistics. There will be an examination of gendered speech, writing, and sign from a variety of the world's languages. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 480 | Literary Theory and Criticism | 3.0 | FS | ||
Study of major texts in literary theory and criticism from Plato and Aristotle to the present day. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 489 | Internship in English | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Supervised, out-of-classroom work experience in English-related activities in the University, community, and businesses. No more than 3 units may be applied to the major. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ENGL 498 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 1 hour seminar.
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ENGL 498H | Special Topic - Honors | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and will vary from term to term and be different for different sections. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 499 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ENGL 519 | Chapbook Production | 4.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 415; or two 400-level courses from the Minor in Creative Writing; or ENGL 620.
This course involves students in the production of chapbook, from advertising, solicitation, to judging and selecting manuscripts, as they work with Flume Press at CSU, Chico. Students learn to perform the duties of editorial assistants at a small book publisher and produce the resulting chapbook. 3 hours discussion, 2 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 8.0 units.
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ENGL 520 | Undergraduate Writer's Workshop | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisite: ENGL 420 or ENGL 421 or faculty permission.
This course is for advanced undergraduate students who are independently writing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Course emphasis is on reading, discussing, and critiquing students' manuscripts in progress. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 522 | Undergraduate Form and Practice | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisite: ENGL 420 or ENGL 421 or faculty permission.
Class focus includes studies in theory and forms of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 530 | The Northern California Writing Project | 1.0 -6.0 | SM | ||
Professional development seminar in the theory, research, and practice of
writing instruction for practicing teachers, kindergarten through college.
Topics include writing as inquiry, genre studies, critical pedagogy,
responding to writing, technology and writing, writing in the disciplines,
writing assessment, and writing to learn. Participants write about their
teaching practices, develop inquiry-based presentations, and read current
research in the teaching of writing. 1 hour discussion. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 534 | Literature, Language, and Composition: A Synthesis | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 335, ENGL 375, and ENGL 441.
A capstone course focusing on connections among literature, language, and composition required of all single-subject credential candidates. To be taken during the senior year. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 570 | Contemporary Linguistic Topics | 3.0 | S1 | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 371, ENGL 375.
An exploration of special topics in contemporary linguistics, including, but not limited to, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, discourse analysis, stylistics, phonology, and morphology. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 599H | Honors Senior Thesis | 3.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 340, ENGL 335; 3 units selected from ENGL 276, ENGL 277, ENGL 278, or ENGL 279 ; 3 units of 400-level genre or period course with grades that place student in top 5%; interview; faculty permission.
Six-unit Honors senior thesis independent study involving substantial research, extended critical analysis, and public presentation. Grade of B or higher required for Honors credit. These units are in addition to those required for the major in English. 18 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 620 | Writer's Workshop | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: At least one 400-level creative writing course or instructor permission.
This course is for graduate students who are independently writing poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. Course emphasis is on reading, discussing, and critiquing students' manuscripts in progress. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 622 | Form and Practice | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: At least one 400-level creative writing course or instructor permission.
Class focus will include studies in theory and forms of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. 3 hours lecture. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 631 | Literacy as Distributed Cognition | 3.0 | FS | ||
Theories of distributed and situated cognition and learning as applied to literacy development and education. The course materials come from a variety of disciplines, including psycholinguistics, anthropology, cognitive science, sociology, education, and literacy theory. 3 hours lecture.
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ENGL 632 | Theories of Literacy | 3.0 | SP | ||
Intensive study of contemporary literacy theory and practice; the cultural and individual bases of the development of literacy. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 634 | Teaching Composition | 3.0 | SP | ||
Weekly seminar in the theory and practice of teaching composition. Required of all prospective teaching associates. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 636 | Composition Program Design and Development | 3.0 | F1 | ||
Intensive study of the current theories and administrative practices which structure composition program development. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 641 | British Medieval Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 642 | Renaissance British Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 643 | 17th-Century British Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 644 | Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 645 | British Romantic Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 646 | British Victorian Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 647 | 20th-Century British and Continental Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 648 | Seminar in British Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
Intensive study of a single writer, a small group of writers, a genre, a theme, or a problem relating to British literature. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 651 | American Literature: Beginnings to 1865 | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 652 | American Literature: 1865-1920 | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 653 | American Literature: 1920 to Present | 3.0 | FS | ||
For more information regarding the specific coverage of this course, please see the instructor's course description posted on the Department's website. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 654 | Seminar in American Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
Intensive study of a single writer, a small group of writers, a genre, a theme, or a problem relating to American literature. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 656 | Themes, Genres, or Problems in Literature | 3.0 | FS | ||
Intensive study of a literary theme, genre, or problem. Focus on a single writer or small group of writers. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 657 | Comparative Literature | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Intensive study of a single writer, a small group of writers, a genre, a theme, or a problem relating to comparative literature. Topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 661 | Seminar in Literary Criticism | 3.0 | FS | ||
Advanced and intensive study of the major literary critics from Aristotle to modern times. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 662 | Contemporary Theory and Textual Criticism | 3.0 | FS | ||
The study of contemporary approaches to the reading and interpreting of texts. 3 hours seminar.
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ENGL 689T | Internship in Teaching College English | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: ENGL 431 or ENGL 470 for ESL; faculty permission.
Supervised classroom experience in teaching ESL, literature, and creative writing. Students must be in MA program in English and have permission of program coordinator and instructor of record. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ENGL 692 | Special Topics in English | 3.0 | FS | ||
Current issues in the study of literature, critical theory, composition, and linguistics. Specific topics vary from semester to semester. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 9.0 units.
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ENGL 697 | Independent Study | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is a graduate-level independent study offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ENGL 699P | Master's Project | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
This course is offered for 1.0-6.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. The Master's Project is developed in consultation with Graduate Coordinator. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ENGL 699T | Master's Thesis | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
This course is offered for 1.0-6.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. The Master's Thesis is developed in consultation with Graduate Coordinator. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.