FINA 198
Special Topics
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours supervision.
FINA 307
Survey of Finance
Prerequisites: ACCT 201, ECON 103.
An introduction to financial management, providing a background in the areas of financial institutions, the time value of money, analysis of financial statements, working capital management, financial structure of the firm, capital budgeting, and related tools of financial analysis. 3 hours lecture.
FINA 351
Prerequisites: FINA 307.
Investments from the point of view of the individual investor, security and non-security investment, analytical techniques; industry studies, and management of the personal portfolio. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 355
Financial Management: Intermediate Theory
Prerequisites: FINA 307.
An integrated approach to financial management, including study of intermediate-level financial theory and its application to financial decision-making. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 369
Real Estate Finance and Investments
Prerequisite: FINA 307.
A study of the institutions and methods involved in financing real property and an analysis of the problems, risks, and practices involved in financing and investing in real property. 3 hours lecture. Formerly REAL 369.
FINA 389
Intern/Cooperative Education
Prerequisites: Senior standing, faculty permission.
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. For students who wish to gain practical work experience with participating firms/organizations. This course enables a student to study policy, control, and decision-making in a specialized work environment. See advisor for student's performance requirements, assignments, and methods of evaluation prior to undertaking the internship. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
FINA 398
Special Topics
Prerequisites: Department permission.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours supervision.
FINA 399
Special Problems
This course is an independent study of special problems and is offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Students registering for this course should prepare a project proposal to be discussed with their faculty advisor before enrolling in the course. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
FINA 453
Estate Planning
Prerequisites: FINA 307.
To give students a basic understanding of the major methods and techniques of preserving and transmitting an individual's wealth, including gift-giving, the use of various trusts, the use of life insurance, and the proper preparation of a will. Students will be expected to be aware of the causes and consequences of an inefficient transfer of wealth and therefore must acquire a working knowledge of the institutional constraints, including the law of property, wills, and intestate distribution, the probate process, and State and Federal estate, gift, inheritance, and generation-skipping transfer taxes. 3 hours lecture.
FINA 454
Financial Planning: Applications
Prerequisites: FINA 351.
Overview of personal financial planning including retirement planning and wealth management. Topics include application of time value of money, personal financial statement development and assessment, investment planning and retirement planning; employee benefits. Also covered are ethics and practice standards in client/planner interaction. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 456
Risk and Insurance
Prerequisites: FINA 307.
Nature of risk and risk management; fundamentals of property, liability, and life contracts; types of companies; government regulation. 3 hours lecture.
FINA 458
Management and Regulation of Financial Institutions
Prerequisites: FINA 307 and FINA 460, faculty permission.
The objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the principles of asset, liability, and capital management as they apply to the management of depository and contractual financial intermediaries. The objective nature and importance of regulations are also discussed. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 459
International Finance
Prerequisites: FINA 307.
An examination of the benefits of international trade; international financial institutions; the international monetary system, including exchange rate problems and prospects. 3 hours lecture.
FINA 460
Financial Institutions and Markets
Prerequisites: FINA 307.
The financial process, financial institutions, and the role of financial markets in allocating funds, absorbing risk, and providing liquidity; the relationship among markets, competition, and efficiency; and financial intermediation in a changing financial system. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 480
Financial Management: Applications
Prerequisites: FINA 355.
Case studies and other experiential techniques are used to develop insight and provide experience in the application of financial theory to such areas as working capital management, capital budgeting, capital structure determination, and dividend policy. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 481
Investment Analysis and Policy
Prerequisites: FINA 307, FINA 351.
Principles of security valuation, the development of portfolio construction, and the relationship between investment principles, investment policies, and investment management. 3 hours discussion.
FINA 498
Special Topics in Finance
Prerequisites: Senior standing.
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. For advanced students who wish to investigate business problems in specialized areas. Application of research methods. 3 hours supervision.
FINA 499
Special Problems
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
Honors in Finance
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This 3-unit course consists of a comprehensive research study and paper dealing with business policy and strategy, and the integrative and international aspects of business operations, especially as they pertain to the field of finance. A final written report and a public presentation of findings are both requirements of this course. Business Honors Program students must receive at least a B in this course for Honors credit. Students seeking "Honors in the Major" will enroll in this course for two semesters. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
FINA 655
Seminar in Financial Management
Prerequisites: Classified MBA student.
Survey of academic literature in managerial finance, with particular emphasis on recent developments in theory and application. 3 hours seminar.
FINA 689
Directed Internship
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Study of policy, control, and decision-making in selected organizations, arranged and supervised by a member of the graduate faculty in close working relationship with the management of an organization. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
FINA 697
Independent Study
This course is a graduate-level independent study offered for 1.0-4.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
Master's Thesis
This course is offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.