The School of Education's programs are built around a conceptual framework which values preparing effective, reflective and engaged educators who know their subject matter and practice effective pedagogy. Our graduates are committed to high quality education for all learners, informed decision making, civic responsibility and working collaboratively in educational settings. The School of Education, in partnership with other academic units and constituents from the public schools, is a member of the National Network for Educational Renewal.
Why Teach?
Explore the many reasons to consider becoming a teacher. Visit the School of Education's Why Teach? webpage.
Our Vision
The CSU, Chico School of Education aspires to be a recognized leader in preparing professional educators to meet the needs of a diverse society through innovation, collaboration and service.
Our Mission
The mission of the CSU, Chico School of Education, in collaboration with our community partners, is to develop effective, reflective and engaged educators. We believe in the power of education to create a diverse, democratic, socially responsible society in which every student is valued. As a learning community, we are committed to exemplary education programs that use scholarly inquiry and research-based practice as tools for continual professional growth and renewal.
The School of Education and its programs are fully accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
Special Resources
Scholarships and financial aid programs, including the Assumption Program for Loans in Education (APLE) and federal TEACH grants, are available for students interested in careers in education. An application for all California State University, Chico scholarships is available. For detailed information, contact the Financial Aid Office.
A Credential Analyst is available to evaluate coursework for specific credential requirements and for advising out-of-state applicants who wish to obtain a California credential. For more information visit the School of Education's Credential Services webpage.