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Please see the section on Course Description Symbols and Terms in the University Catalog for an explanation of course description terminology and symbols, the course numbering system, and course credit units. All courses are lecture and discussion and employ letter grading unless otherwise stated. Some prerequisites may be waived with faculty permission. Many syllabi are available on the Chico Web.
Anthropology Course Offerings
SUBJ NUM | Title | Sustainable | Units | Semester Offered | Course Flags |
ANTH 111 | Survey of Physical Anthropology | 3.0 | FS | GE | |
The qualities of being human are examined through the investigation of evolutionary principles, non-human primates, human fossil record, and living peoples. The biological origin, evolution, and variation of humankind are explored. Lower division General Education Breadth Area B2, Natural Sciences-Life Forms. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. This is an approved General Education course.
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ANTH 112 | Society, Time, and Archaeology | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
Significant events in mankind's prehistoric cultural development and their relevance to the present. Human antiquity; the acquisition of culture during the Paleolithic; the beginning of early civilization. Introduction to the methods of archaeology and human paleontology. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 113 | Human Cultural Diversity | 3.0 | SMF | GE GC | |
The course explores culture as the basis for understanding the human experience, including an examination of cross-cultural diversity. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 113H | Honors in Human Cultural Diversity | 3.0 | FS | GE GC | |
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Honors Program.
The phenomenon of culture and its profound role in structuring the individual's experience of reality. The range of diversity in human socio-cultural institutions. Some explanations for similarities and differences in human cultures. Exploration of the contemporary relevance of anthropological perspectives, data, and methods. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 116 | Power and Scarcity: The Anthropology of Change |
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3.0 | FS | GE GC |
A comparative analysis of the interaction of economic and political forces in societies of the non-western world. The diversity with which various cultures address scarcity, the distribution of goods and power. Transition from traditional economic and political institutions over time, and the impact of these changes on the values, attitudes, and lifestyles on developing urban populations. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 140 | Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion | 3.0 | SMF | GE GC | |
A cross-cultural examination of religions and world views. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 200 | Cultures of Asia | 3.0 | SP | GC | |
This course is also offered as
ASST 200.
An introduction to the people and cultures of Asia, emphasizing India, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The course employs a multimediated approach to learning. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 222 | Archaeology and the Bible | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Students examine the early civilizations of the Levant with foundations in the Early Bronze Age. The class focuses on Middle and Late Bronze Age period Canaan, the development of villages, towns, and societies during the periods of Canaanite and early Hebrew settlement. The focus of the course is with the cultural, demographic, political, and economic emergence of the nation of Israel with comparisons in the Old Testament and extra-biblical accounts of the period. Tools used in the examination include interpretation of evidence from archaeological excavations, historical materials, biblical and other textual sources, and area studies. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 261 | North American Indians | 3.0 | FA | GE USD | |
This course is also offered as
AIST 261.
Survey of Native North America with emphasis on U.S. tribes, their cultures, rituals, and institutions. Brief examination of pre-history. The focus is on historical and contemporary people. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ANTH 268 | Indigenous People of Latin America | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
Study of the Native peoples of South America, Mexico, and Central America from European contact to the present. The course emphasizes contemporary ethnography and interaction of indigenous people with colonialism and the modern nation-state. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 280 | Field Archaeology | 4.0 | F1 | ||
See ANTH 380. 1 hour lecture, 9 hours supervision.
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ANTH 298 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 301 | Physical Anthropology | 4.0 | FS | ||
Biological evolution and variation in humans, mankind's place in nature, origin, and antiquity as represented in the fossil record; recent studies of non-human primates; the beginnings of culture. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ANTH 302 | Archaeology | 3.0 | FS | ||
Case study examination of fundamental concepts, methods, and changing theoretical orientations of archaeology. Archaeology in the contemporary world, and archaeology as a profession. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 303 | Cultural Anthropology | 3.0 | FS | ||
Case study examination of fundamental concepts, methods, and changing theoretical orientations of cultural anthropology. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 304 | Language and Culture | 3.0 | FA | ||
Language as a symbolic communication; structural, comparative, and sociolinguistics; analysis of English and non-western language data. 3 hours discussion.
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ANTH 311 | Survey of Forensic Science | 3.0 | FS | ||
A survey of the relationship between science and society by noting the history and nature of the role of the expert witness and the forensic scientist in aiding to resolve various legal issues. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 312 | Cataclysmic Events in Human Prehistory | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Through selected case studies, this course examines a series of cataclysmic events, ranging from volcanic eruptions and droughts to massacres and societal collapse, which illustrate that change, even cataclysmic change, is and has long been part of the human experience. The theoretical perspectives which anchor this inquiry into cataclysmic events of the human past are evolutionary, anthropological, and archaeological. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 333 | Nature, Culture, Environment |
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3.0 | SMF | GE GC |
This course examines how societies create, understand, and resolve environmental problems. It uses anthropological methods to explore relations between cultural and natural orders in a wide range of human groups. It emphasizes new approaches that can contribute to the well-being and sustainability of living communities in the twenty-first century. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 338 | Culture and Tourism |
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3.0 | INQ | |
This course examines the cultural diversity of tourism as a global phenomenon, focusing on non-Western cultures and the impact of culture change in the 21st century. The development of tourism as a global industry is discussed as well as an analysis of types of tourists and motivation for travel to various destinations, such as cultural heritage tourism and ecotourism. Case studies illustrate the positive and negative impacts of tourism. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 340 | Anthropology of Food |
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3.0 | SMF | GE GC |
This course examines the social and cultural contexts of food production and consumption in a cross-cultural, global and historical perspective, including contemporary social, environmental and policy issues associated with food. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 340Z | Anthropology of Food - Capstone |
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3.0 | FS |
C |
This course examines the social and cultural contexts of food production and consumption in a cross-cultural, global and historical perspective, including contemporary social, environmental and policy issues associated with food. 3 hours lecture.This is an approved Writing Intensive course. This is an approved General Education Capstone course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 362 | California Indians | 3.0 | FA | USD | |
This course is also offered as
AIST 362.
Native peoples of California, their origin, prehistory, languages, culture, and interaction with Europeans. Selected case studies, with special emphasis on the local area. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved US Diversity course.
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ANTH 363 | Arctic Cultures | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Native peoples of the Arctic, range of material and social culture, problems of acculturation and stress, current policies of various governments in the economic and social development of the Far North. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 376 | Africa: Continuity and Change | 3.0 | FA | GE GC | |
An introduction to African societies in anthropological and ethnographic perspective. Comparative case studies in historical and regional context explore body and self, religious experience, expressive arts, environmental and political conjunctures, and social change across the continent. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 376Z | Africa: Continuity and Change - Capstone | 3.0 | FA |
C | |
An introduction to African societies in anthropological and ethnographic perspective. Comparative case studies in historical and regional context explore body and self, religious experience, expressive arts, environmental and political conjunctures, and social change across the continent. 3 hours lecture.This is an approved Writing Intensive course. This is an approved General Education Capstone course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 377 | Anthropology of the Islamic World | 3.0 | SP | GE GC | |
This course examines Muslim cultures in the daily, national and global contexts in which Islam is practiced. Students read ethnography, fiction, history, and poetry in order to appreciate, respect and understand contemporary Islamic cultures. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 377Z | Anthropology of the Islamic World - Capstone | 3.0 | SP |
C | |
This course examines Muslim cultures in the daily, national and global contexts in which Islam is practiced. Students read ethnography, fiction, history, and poetry in order to appreciate, respect and understand contemporary Islamic cultures. 3 hours lecture.This is an approved Writing Intensive course. This is an approved General Education Capstone course. This is an approved Global Cultures course.
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ANTH 380 | Field Archaeology | 4.0 | F1 | ||
Archaeological survey and excavation; research aims and strategies; archaeological mapping, photography, and recording. 1 hour lecture, 9 hours supervision.
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ANTH 389 | Internship in Anthropology | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours lecture. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units.
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ANTH 398 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 2 hours seminar.
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ANTH 399 | Special Problems | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems and is offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 405 | Museum Administration | 3.0 | INQ | ||
The principles of museum administration, including staffing, finances, educational programs, and ethics. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 411 | Human Origins | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 111, ANTH 300, or ANTH 301.
Evolution of the human being as a biological entity and as a culture-bearing primate. Emphasis is placed upon ecological principles and problems as they relate to the fossil record. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 412 | Human Variation | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 111, ANTH 300, or ANTH 301.
The nature of human biological variation and an examination of its genetic and cultural basis. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 413 | Bioarchaeology | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: Anth 111 or ANTH 301, ANTH 302.
This course will familiarize the student with current applications, developments, and methods in bioarchaeology. The course will emphasize the value of human skeletal studies in the interpretation of past human lifeways, and will address theoretical developments that intersect subfelds within physical anthropology, cultural anthropolgy, and archaeology. Classes will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and student presentations. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 414 | Human Growth and Development | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 111, ANTH 300, or ANTH 301.
The individual from prenatal period through growth and sexual maturation to old age and death. Special emphasis upon the cross-cultural and holistic approaches to the study of people and their role in human evolution. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 415 | Forensic Anthropology | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 111, ANTH 300, ANTH 301, or ANTH 311.
Anthropological principles and knowledge applied within the legal system. Topics include the history of the field, biological parameters determined from the skeleton, postmortem interval, and ethics. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 420 | Origins of Early Civilization | 3.0 | INQ | ||
An examination of the data and major theories concerning the rise of civilizations, using as case studies early Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Mexico, and Peru. The significance of food production, ecology, writing, and the centralized state in the evolution of complex societies. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 423 | Human Behavioral Ecology |
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3.0 | INQ | |
This course serves as an introduction to the evolutionary processes influencing human behavior grounded in the paleoanthropological study of foraging peoples and an examination of cross-cultural patterns in human behavior. Emphasis will be placed on an evolutionary ecological perspective where aspects of human adaptation are viewed as the result of long-term survival strategies. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 424 | California Archaeology and Prehistory | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 112 or ANTH 302, or permission of instructor.
This course provides an overview and examination of the historical development and prehistory of archaeology in California. Topics include archaeological method and theory, cultural chronologies, regional and temporal patterns in the archaeological record, important sites and their potential links to native peoples in California. Controversial issues and contributions to modern archaeology are also considered. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 425 | Historical Archaeology | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 112 or ANTH 302, or permission of instructor.
This course examines the method and theory of American historical archaeology as it specifically relates to the broader study of American material culture and sociocultural experiences in North America from the period of European exploration to the recent past through archaeological and documentary evidence. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 432 | Anthropology of Religion | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 303 or RELS 480 or instructor's permission.
This course examines the contemporary theoretical underpinnings of the anthropology of religion, considering especially performative, gendered, psychological, semiotic, and political aspects of religion in cross-cultural persepective. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 435 | Medical Anthropology | 3.0 | SP | ||
Surveys the relationships among disease, curing, culture, and environment. Topics include problems of adapting modern medicines to diverse cultures; explication of the social and cultural correlates of physical and mental health and disease; nutritional implications of culture change; anthropology contributions to health-policy decisions and makers in non-Western countries. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 437 | International Development and Globalization |
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3.0 | INQ | |
Explores the historical and contemporary global movements of people, commodities, technology and ideas. Surveys the impacts of colonial relationships on the contemporary world, post-colonialism and the rise of the development era, and contemporary trends resulting in the increased social and cultural integration and differentiation of individuals and groups around the world. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 443 | Visual Anthropology | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 303 or faculty permission.
This course explores visual aspects of culture and the use of images for the description, analysis, communication, and interpretation of human behavior. Media examined include, photography, film, video, new media, and art. Students develop ethnographic projects based on original research and using available media technologies. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 461 | Museum Collections Management | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Offers practical training in collections management techniques, including registration methods, curatorial practices, and the care, preservation, and conservation of museum specimens. 6 hours activity.
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ANTH 462 | Museum Education | 3.0 | INQ | ||
This course is designed to provide a foundation in the methodological and theoretical underpinnings in contemporary museum education, with an emphasis on application through exhibits, outreach programs, and visitor experiences. The course focuses on all aspects of the educational role of museums in their communities, the historical developments in the field, and current issues facing museum educators, which includes promoting diversity and civic engagement within the educational setting of a museum. 3 hours laboratory.
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ANTH 465 | Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Resources | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
This course serves as an introduction to the method and theory of preserving objects for the purposes of exhibit, research, and for posterity. The course is structured in a seminar/laboratory format designed to familiarize students with the chemicals, equipment, and procedures used in treating artifacts. The course covers conservation ethics and guidelines, deterioration processes, and the conservation of organic and inorganic materials. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ANTH 467 | Exhibit Installation | 3.0 | FA | ||
This course focuses on the creation of an actual museum exhibit for the annual spring Museum of Anthropology student-created exhibition. Students are required to undertake all phases of the research and design process and final installation. 6 hours activity. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 478 | Zooarchaeology: Vertebrate Identification and Analysis |
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3.0 | SP | |
Prerequisites: ANTH 112 or ANTH 302.
Zooarchaeology involves the identification and interpretation of animal remains from archaeological sites. Topics covered include the nature of the archaeofaunal record, units of quantification, taphonomy, the selective utilization of animals and subsistence strategies. A variety of case studies will also be reviewed. Laboratory activity centers around the identification of archaeofaunal remains from selected locations in California. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
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ANTH 480 | Advanced Field Archaeology | 4.0 | F1 | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 380.
Advanced individual training in archaeological fieldwork, including organization of projects, supervision of field crews, use of specialized field techniques, and preliminary analysis of field data. 1 hour lecture, 9 hours supervision.
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ANTH 481 | Human Identification | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 301.
Physical anthropological methods and techniques, such as anthropometry, dermatoglyphics, osteology, and paleopathology as applied to problems of human identification. Credit for repeating this course depends upon your taking it from a different instructor each time. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 482 | Laboratory Methods in Archaeology | 3.0 | SP | ||
Independent supervised training in the methods of data description, interpretation, and presentation. Methods of describing, classifying, analyzing, and illustrating archaeological finds, and the preparation of reports for publications. 6 hours activity.
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ANTH 483 | Field Methods in Ethnography | 3.0 | FA | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 303 or permission of instructor.
This course presents theories and methods of ethnography as well as the ethics of ethnographic fieldwork. Students conduct supervised ethnographic research and present their results both orally and in written format. 6 hours activity.
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ANTH 484 | Archaeological Site Surveying | 3.0 | F2 | ||
Methods and techniques of locating archaeological and historical cultural resources in the field. Proper site recordation by means of photographs, drawings, maps, and appropriately filled-out site survey forms for cultural resource management purposes. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 485 | Formal Methods for Anthropology | 3.0 | FS | ||
A survey of selected mathematical and logical methods and models of relevance to various problems in anthropology. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of anthropological data. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 487 | Heritage Resource Planning | 3.0 | INQ | ||
The social and institutional frameworks, legislative bases, procedures, and practices of prehistoric and cultural resources management taught by means of case studies of legislative documents, management studies, and environmental impact reports. The investigation of selected resources and preparation of appropriate descriptive, evaluative, and management reports. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 489A | Physical Anth Internship | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This internship is offered in the area of physical anthropology. Work experience in the community or region is designed for each student. A maximum of 6 units of internship may be counted toward the major. 15 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 489B | Archaeology Internship | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This internship is offered in the area of archaeology. Work experience in the community or region is designed for each student. A maximum of 6 units of internship may be counted toward the major. 15 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 489C | Cultural Anthropology Internship | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This internship is offered in the area of cultural anthropology. Work experience in the community or region is designed for each student. A maximum of 6 units of internship may be counted toward the major. 15 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 489D | Museum Studies Internship | 1.0 -6.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This internship is offered in the area of museum studies. Work experience in the community or region is designed for each student. A maximum of 6 units of internship may be counted toward the major. 15 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 495 | Proseminar in Applied Anthropology | 3.0 | INQ | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 303 or permission of instructor.
Applications of sociocultural anthropology to the understanding and resolution of contemporary social problems. Seminar format. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 496 | Proseminar in the History of Theory and Method in Anthropology | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement; ANTH 303.
Investigation of the history of the development of theory and method in anthropological thought and practice from the nineteenth century to the present. Seminar format. 3 hours seminar. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ANTH 496H | Proseminar in the History of Theory and Methods in Anthropology - Honors | 3.0 | FS | GW | |
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, ANTH 303, acceptance into the Honors Program.
This investigation of the method and theory of anthropological thought of the last century is directed to individual research interests and problem development for the honors thesis. Seminar format. 3 hours seminar. This is an approved Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement course; a grade of C- or higher certifies writing proficiency for majors.
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ANTH 497 | Anthropology Forum | 1.0 | FS | ||
Examines current developments in theory and research in the entire field of anthropology through a series of presentations by a wide variety of individuals who are actively involved at the frontiers of anthropological knowledge. 1 hour lecture. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 498 | Special Topics | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours lecture.
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ANTH 499 | Special Problems | 2.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Faculty permission.
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 499H | Honors in Anthropology | 3.0 | SP | ||
Prerequisites: ANTH 496H and faculty permission.
Independent study resulting in a piece of scholarly or creative work involving substantial research to be completed and publicly presented. The course must be taken during the second semester of your senior year, subsequent to successful completion of ANTH 496H. This course is not available to graduate students. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 600 | Core Seminar in Anthropology | 3.0 | FA | ||
A critical examination of the basic foundation literature in the subdisciplines of anthropology. 3 hours seminar.
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ANTH 601 | Seminar in Physical Anthropology | 3.0 | FA | ||
A critical examination of selected theories and methods in physical anthropology, and/or the generation of new theories and methods pertinent to selected problems in physical anthropology. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 602 | Seminar in Archaeology | 3.0 | SP | ||
A critical examination of selected theories and methods in archaeology, and/or the generation of new theories and methods pertinent to selected problems in archaeology. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 603 | Seminar in Cultural Anthropology | 3.0 | SP | ||
A critical examination of selected theories and methods in cultural anthropology, and/or the generation of new theories and methods pertinent to selected problems in cultural anthropology. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 605 | Seminar in Museum Studies | 3.0 | INQ | ||
A critical examination of selected theories and methods in museology and/or the generation of new theories and methods pertinent to selected problems in the museum field. 3 hours seminar. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 689 | Internship in Anthropology | 3.0 | FS | ||
3 hours lecture. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 689A | Internship Exhibit Research and Design | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Consent of Museum Studies Coordinator.
See description below 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 689B | Internship in Museum Management | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Consent of Museum Studies Coordinator.
See description below. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 689C | Internship in Curatorial Practices | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Consent of Museum Studies Coordinator.
See description below. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 689D | Internship in Museum Education | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Consent of Museum Studies Coordinator.
See description below. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 689E | Internship in Museum Conservation | 3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Consent of Museum Studies Coordinator.
ANTH 689A - ANTH 689E: Work experience in off-campus museum designed for each student. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 696 | Candidacy Exam | 1.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisites: Graduate status.
This course is for graduate students taking the Candidacy Exam only. 3 hours supervision. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 697 | Independent Study | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
This course is a graduate-level independent study offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.
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ANTH 698 | Supervised College Teaching in Anthropology | 2.0 | FS | ||
Weekly seminars and supervision for those students who plan to prepare themselves for a career in college teaching of anthropology. This course is acceptable for credit toward the Master of Arts in Anthropology. 6 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 4.0 units.
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ANTH 699P | Master's Project | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
This course is a master's study offered as a Master's Project for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 3.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
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ANTH 699T | Master's Thesis | 1.0 -3.0 | FS | ||
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
This course is a master's study offered as a Master's Thesis for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 3.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.