ANTH 485
Formal Methods for Anthropology
A survey of selected mathematical and logical methods and models of relevance to various problems in anthropology. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of anthropological data. 3 hours seminar.
ABUS 451
Agricultural Policy
Prerequisites: ABUS 301, ECON 102.
Domestic and international issues in U.S. agricultural food policy. A study of the major problems confronting agriculture, the process by which government formulates agricultural policy, and the socio-economic impact of current government programs. 3 hours lecture.
BIOL 408
Principles of Evolution
Prerequisites: BIOL 360.
A detailed study of the evolutionary process, including history, natural selection, population genetics, molecular evolution, speciation, coevolution, and macroevolution. 3 hours discussion.
BSIS 610
Business Analytics
Prerequisites: Classified MBA student.
An examination of applications and information system platforms designed to support and improve business decision making. Exposure to relevant quantitative methods and their potential business value, combined with hands-on use of current technology. Case studies requiring the development of clearly communicated recommendations supported by sound analysis. 3 hours seminar.
CSCI 217
Foundations of Computing
Prerequisites: CSCI 111 with a grade of C or higher, MATH 119 (or equivalent).
Offers an intensive introduction to discrete mathematics as used in computer science. Topics include sets, relations, propositional and predicate logic, basic proof methods including mathematical induction, digital logic circuits, complexity of algorithms, elementary combinatorics, and solving linear recurrence relations. 3 hours discussion.
CHEM 320
Quantitative Analysis
Prerequisites: CHEM 112 with a grade of C- or higher.
Precision and accuracy in measurements, interpretation of data by statistical analysis, and development of good quantitative techniques. Analysis by gravimetry, titrimetry, potentiometry, chromatography, and spectrometry. 2 hours discussion, 6 hours laboratory.
CHEM 331
Physical Chemistry
Prerequisites: CHEM 370M, MATH 220; PHYS 202A & PHYS 202B or PHYS 204A, PHYS 204B, & PHYS 204C.
An introduction to quantum mechanics and spectroscopy, classical and statistical thermodynamics, and dynamics and chemical kinetics. 3 hours discussion.
ECON 380
Economic Statistics
Prerequisites: ECON 102 or ECON 103, MATH 105 or faculty permission.
The objective of this course is to show the relevance of statistic analysis for economics. Each topic is presented with an application of a macroeconomic or microeconomic theory. Real data is used in software applications for developing a conceptual understanding of the problem and for analyzing the data. 3 hours discussion.
ECON 481
Introductory Econometrics
Prerequisites: ECON 301, ECON 302, ECON 380.
Use of mathematics and statistics to design and test econometric models. 3 hours discussion.
ECON 483
Economic Forecasting
Prerequisites: ECON 302; ECON 380 or equivalent.
Survey of methods of economic forecasting, including leading indicators, surveys, time series, and regression. 3 hours seminar.
GEOG 315
Applied Statistical Methods in Geography
Prerequisites: GEOG 211, MATH 105 or equivalents.
Introduction to quantitative analysis of spatial data using single and two sample inference, analysis of variance, correlation, multiple regression, analysis of co-variance, experimental design, repeated measures, nonparametric procedures, categorical data analysis, clustering/classification, and principal components analysis. Examples are drawn from geographical themes in economics, demography, politics, planning, natural and earth sciences. Statistical packages are introduced. 3 hours lecture.
Conservation, Restoration, and Stewardship
Prerequisites: GEOG 101, GEOG 102, and GEOG 390 or equivalents. Recommended: GEOG 343, GEOG 444, GEOG 445, or PSSC 330.
An analysis of the complex interactions between humans, plants, and animals in the restoration process. Includes the use of maps and other graphic material as well as reading, lecture, and discussion. Emphasis on how human activities can affect the distribution and abundance of various plant and animal species in both negative and positive ways. Restoration work on the Butte Creek Ecological Reserves and other similar sites provide a focus for class projects and discussion. 3 hours lecture.
GEOG 411
Geospatial Analysis and Modeling in GIS
Prerequisites: GEOG 211, GEOG 311 (may be taken concurrently), GEOG 315.
Advanced geospatial analysis and modeling techniques using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Topics include geoprocessing, Python programming, and geospatial modeling. Students collaborate to design, develop, and present a GIS pilot study. They apply GIS theory and techniques to solve problems in land and resource management, utilities, and municipal government. Covers all stages of a GIS project: planning, design, analysis, and presentation. 2 hours lecture, 1 hour activity.
GEOG 418
Remote Sensing of Environment
Prerequisites: GEOG 211, GEOG 315 or MATH 105, or equivalents.
An introduction to the theory, techniques, data acquisition, processing, and presentation of imagery acquired through aerial photographic and satellite means of remote sensing. Application of basic skills of aerial photographic interpretation and satellite digital image processing and analysis to physical and cultural geographic phenomena. 3 hours lecture. Formerly GEOG 318.
GEOG 444
Biogeography and Landscape Ecology
Prerequisites: GEOG 101, GEOG 211, GEOG 343, GEOG 390 or equivalents. Recommended: BIOL 152, BIOL 350, GEOG 315.
Biogeography and landscape ecology are keys for evaluating plant and animal distributions at local to global spatial scales. This course seeks to understand the physical and biological processes that determine these patterns through time, as well as help design management strategies for conserving our planet's biological diversity, and thus ecosystem services. The course emphasizes nature and impact of continuity and patchiness of species distributions and movement, and material flow on the structure and dynamics of wildland, agrarian, and urbanized landscapes. This is thus a highly integrative field of inquiry, pulling on concepts, theories and data from general ecology, evolutionary biology, geology, and physical and human geography. Quantitative methods and field trips consider the biogeography of plants and animals in the local landscapes. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity.
GEOS 440
Fundamentals in Environmental Science Instrumentation
Prerequisites: GEOS 250; PHYS 202B or PHYS 204B or PHYS 204C.
This course provides hands-on experience in the design, construction and use of automated data acquisition systems in the environmental and hydrogeological sciences. Primary emphasis is on the use of a laboratory workshop for actual building of systems commonly used in monitoring and characterization of air, water and land resources. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
MATH 109
Survey of Calculus
Prerequisites: Completion of ELM requirement; MATH 118, MATH 119 (or High School equivalents).
This course covers the fundamental concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus with an introduction to differential equations. Emphasis on applications from the Life Sciences. This course is not intended for majors in mathematics, physics, chemistry, or engineering. No credit for students with credit in MATH 120. A score that meets department guidelines on a department administered calculus readiness exam must be achieved by those who claim high school equivalence. 4 hours discussion. This is an approved General Education course.
MATH 217
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Prerequisites: Completion of ELM, MATH 119 (or equivalent), CSCI 111.
A rigorous introduction to discrete mathematical structures for computer science majors (fulfills a requirement for the minor in math). Topics include propositional and predicate calculus; basic proof methods; sets, functions, and operations with them; algorithms and their complexity; applications of number theory to computer science and computer security; matrices and matrix arithmetic; mathematical induction, recursive definitions and algorithms; combinatorics and counting techniques; relations and their representation by matrices and digraphs, applications to databases; equivalence relations and partitions of sets; partially ordered sets, lattices, and Boolean algebras; Boolean functions and circuits; graphs, trees, and their applications; formal languages and grammars; finite-state automata and language recognition, regular languages. 3 hours discussion.
MATH 314
Probability and Statistics for Science and Technology
Prerequisites: MATH 121.
Basic concepts of probability and statistics with emphasis on models used in science and technology. Probability models for statistical estimation and hypothesis testing. Confidence limits. One- and two-sample inference, simple regression, one- and two-way analysis of variance. Credit cannot be received for both MATH 350 and MATH 314. 4 hours discussion.
MATH 350
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Prerequisites: MATH 121.
Basic concepts of probability theory, random variables and their distributions, limit theorems, sampling theory, topics in statistical inference, regression, and correlation. 3 hours discussion.
MKTG 380
Marketing Research
Prerequisites: BADM 103 or MATH 105, MKTG 305.
User-oriented analysis of the marketing research process, including problem definition, proposal preparation, research design, data collection, sampling methods, data analysis, interpretation, and presentation of findings. 3 hours lecture.
PSYC 364
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Prerequisites: ENGL 130 or JOUR 130 (or equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher, PSYC 101, PSYC 261.
The analysis of research data in psychology using inferential statistical methods, with an emphasis on relevant statistical designs, understanding statistical conclusions in published research, and professional report writing. Descriptive statistics, graphing, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, chi-square, t-tests, and analysis of variance. Single factor designs and ANOVA, post-hoc comparisons, repeated measures ANOVA, and simple factorial designs. Professional reporting of research. Laboratory provides examples, applications, and development of research data analysis and statistical evaluation skills. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
PSYC 560
Principles of Psychological Measurement
Prerequisites: A course in statistics including research design.
Basic psychological measurement theory and principles of test construction. 2 hours discussion, 2 hours activity.
SOCI 315
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Prerequisites: SOCI 310. MATH 105 or other lower-division statistics course recommended.
This course studies descriptive and inferential statistics used for the social sciences. Emphasis is on the integration of statistical research designs and data, appropriate statistical analysis, interpretation of relevant findings, and visual presentation. 3 hours seminar.