The Minor in Career and Life Planning
Course Requirements for the Minor: 18 units
The following courses, or their approved transfer equivalents, are required of all candidates for this minor.
courses required:
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SOSC 510
Tests and Measurements for Career Guidance
This is a course in career assessment. Students will explore the foundational issues in psychometrics, including the nature and uses of tests, ethical considerations, and concerns in test administration. Classes of vocational assessments and their exemplars will be presented. Assessment batteries for special needs clients will also be examined. Students will consider issues which are of specific concern when using formal assessment tools in decision making in career interventions. Interpretations of specific instruments and the relationship of formal assessments to other modes of information gathering will be discussed. 3 hours lecture.
SOSC 511
Principles and Techniques of Career Guidance
Development of techniques for comprehensive career counseling, including goal setting and decision making; career exploration; career and life-role integration; ethnicity, race, and gender problems. 3 hours lecture.
SOSC 560
Career/Life Planning Seminar
This course focuses on the application of career development theories, issues, and resources for diverse clientele in education, public and private agencies. Topics include occupational databases, career investigation, decision making, job search skills, program development, and ethical concerns. The course is useful for teachers and social service agency personnel. 3 hours seminar.
Principles and Practices of Career Guidance
3 courses selected from:
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MGMT 304
Human Resource Management
This course surveys human resource management practices needed for effective performance by every manager and employee. The focus of the course is on processes used to effectively recruit, select, develop, evaluate, reward, and ensure the safety of employees in order to attract and retain the best possible workforce in any organization. This course provides students with an understanding of workforce diversity, investigates ethical issues, and explores the international context of HRM. 3 hours lecture.
PSYC 382
Psychology of Personality
Introduction to the nature and development of personality, with emphasis on the normal adult, including theories of personality, techniques of assessment, and a survey of current research. 3 hours lecture.
PSYC 395
Social Psychology
An overview of social psychology, emphasizing the variety of social factors that influence individual behavior. 3 hours lecture.
SOCI 335
Women, Work, and Family
This course explores the history and experiences of women in the workplace and how family roles intersect with both paid and unpaid work, in and out of the home in the United States. Considered are the impacts of race, class, gender, and globalization on poverty, child and elder care, and workplace equity. International comparisons are drawn. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved General Education course. This is an approved US Diversity course.
SOCI 360
Self and Society
This course explores the relationship between the individual and society by focusing on how people create and sustain their daily lives. The emphasis is on interactions with others, and the effect of individual behavior upon group dynamics. Socialization, identities and the self, emotions, conformity, and communication are explored. 3 hours lecture.
SOCI 465
Sociology of Work and Occupations
Many people spend the majority of their waking hours occupied with work. This course examines the structure and organization of work and its influence on many aspects of our lives, with some attention to personal career interests. Topics include the social history of work, the meaning of work, labor struggles, relations within the workplace, socialization into occupations, and global changes in work. 3 hours lecture.
SWRK 200
Diversity and Social Justice
This course presents a framework for understanding and openly interacting with people from diverse backgrounds that compose the rich mosaic of the United States. The class is designed to promote ethnic-sensitive interpersonal relationships. Diverse people studied are distinguished by issues of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion/spirituality, generation, and national origin. Historical and cultural experiences shaping their lives and current reality are examined. The overall goal is for students to develop high regard for the worth and dignity of all people. 3 hours lecture. This is an approved US Diversity course.
SWRK 202
Human Behavior Across the Lifespan
Using a systems framework and selected human behavior theories across the lifespan, the biological, social, psychological, and cultural influences on individuals, families, and groups are investigated. Particular emphasis is given to ethnic and cultural diversity and promoting student self-reflection across generations and cultural competence. 3 hours lecture. Formerly SWRK 302.
SOSC 489
Internship Social Science
Prerequisites: Junior standing, the approval of the Social Science Program Coordinator, faculty permission.
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-15.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. The internship experience is designed to supplement academic work in social science and to provide students with occupational experience. 3 hours supervision. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 15.0 units. Credit/no credit grading.
SOSC 489, Social Science Internship, must be taken for a minimum of 3 units in an area appropriate to career/life planning, and is strongly recommended for all minors. See the program coordinator for details.
Internship Policy
With the approval of the appropriate academic advisor, it is possible to enroll for academic credit in an internship course which is related to your program of study in the Social Sciences. Internships are permitted or required in about half of the Social Science Depth fields, all of the minors, and in the Social Science MA program. In some cases, internships may be repeated for credit more than once.
The general guidelines for internships in the undergraduate and graduate Social Science and Special Programs includes appropriate class standing, the completion of an appropriate amount of program course work prior to the internship, working approximately 135 hours for each 3 units of credit, the submission of a written proposal to the faculty supervisor describing the job duties and educational objectives associated with the internship, demonstration that the host agency/location is willing to accept the intern and that the duties are acceptable to them, have submitted to the faculty supervisor an evaluation of the intern's work by the agency/location supervisor, and submit to the faculty supervisor a paper of adequate length which describes the character of the internship and its relationship to the academic program within which the student is working. Graduate internships require graduate standing, the demonstration that the quality of experience merits graduate credit, and demonstration that the internship fits into the overall graduate program.