Science Education
Our Mission
The Department of Science Education at California State University, Chico is committed to providing the North State with the highest quality science education for all learners, programs for teacher subject matter preparation and professional development, and research on teaching and learning to promote scientific appreciation and understanding.
About our Department
Welcome to the Department of Science Education at California State University, Chico. We are a small, vibrant, multidisciplinary science education department in the College of Natural Sciences, offering a BS in Natural Sciences with the option of Science Education. We are committed to maintaining a classroom culture that respects and fully values the strengths and differences of all of our students; where all have the opportunity to share points of view, offer ideas, and be recognized for their contributions. Our program offers small enrollment courses, which lends to opportunities for one-on-one interaction with faculty, class imbedded early teaching experiences, and research opportunities with faculty mentors that can lead to conference presentations and publications.
Undergraduate Program
The BS in Natural Sciences degree program provides an excellent preparation for students interested in becoming a middle school or introductory high school science teacher, and fulfills one of the requirements for admission into a single subject teaching credential program. This degree is also designed for students interested in teaching about science in informal educational settings such as museums, nature centers, state parks or national forests. There are opportunities for internships and volunteer activities providing practical training and experience. Students who choose this program should consult with their major advisor about career paths. Advisors in the Department of Science Education help students develop individual plans that include meeting all the requirements for teacher certification programs in the state of California, if that is a student’s eventual goal. To schedule an advising appointment, phone or email the department office at 530-898-4599 or
Career Outlook
The need for well-educated science teachers has never been greater. In response to our nation's necessity for cutting-edge science educators, the CSU system has made a long-term commitment to increasing the number of science teachers. As a result, the Department of Science Education strives to meet those needs by offering a program geared toward an innovative future in science education. Come in to discuss your goals and get started on your journey toward a fulfilling career in science education.
Scholarships for Future Teachers
For a list of special financial incentives for future science teachers, visit the Department of Science Education website. For information on all California State University, Chico scholarships, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office in Student Services Center (SSC), Room 250.